Erick: (YN), be careful not to eat more than you can chew. *giggles*

(YN): Man, shut up. *leaves hideout*


Over at the castle in the Empire, Esdeath held an important meeting with the Jaegers to discuss some things.

Esdeath: Everyone, we have a new enemy on our hands. A new team called Six Anarchists were striking the capital yesterday. They've killed many of the capital's troops from all around the city. And to make it more interesting, they have also eliminated a quarter of the Revolutionary's forces as well. It is very clear that this team isn't taking any sides of the capital or the outside forces. We can only guess they would want to take out both the Empire and the Rebel army.

Bols: Do you have any idea of who their leader could be?

Esdeath: I'm not sure, but I can only infer that it could be someone who was recently apart of the Empire. They must've became a traitor and gathered up a team to target us and the Rebels. I want you all to be on the lookout for now on. We could expect a very big surprise of who their leader could be.

The Jaegers were all dismissed and they left the room. Run stepped up beside Esdeath to speak to her privately.

Run: Commander, what if the case happens to be someone close to you as the leader of the new team or at least one of the members of the team?

Esdeath: Honestly, I don't really have anyone close to me with an exception of the team. But if anything's possible, we will still fight. So far, they're proving to be more exciting than Night Raid. It'll be even more interesting once we meet.

Kurome and Wave headed out to go to the diner for some breakfast. Kurome was starting to feel like herself again. She almost completely got over (YN). She told herself that she just needed to accept that he was gone and needed to move on. There were more matters to worry about, like finding her big sister. Kurome and Wave arrived to the diner and sat at a table.

Wave: Aren't you a little freaked out by this new team? We have to face both Night Raid and the Six Anarchists.

Kurome: Nope. I could care less about them.

In the table booth right behind them, you were eating your food in peace. You accidentally spilled hot soup into your lap.

(YN): AH! Dammit!

Kurome's eyes stared off dumbfounded when she heard the voice from behind her. She turned around and stared at you from behind. She got up and tapped your shoulder. You looked up and saw that it was Kurome.

(YN): Kurome?!!!

Kurome: (YN)?!!!!

Wave: (YN), you're alright!

Wave and Kurome quickly sat across from you in your booth to chat.

Wave: (YN), it's been a long time since we've seen you! How've you been?!

(YN): Oh, great. I just got back on my feet not too long ago. How are you guys?

Kurome: We're doing fine. We were all worried about you, but it's good that you're doing okay.

Wave: I guess it must've been tough on you when the commander sent you away.

(YN): Oh. You don't have to worry about that anymore. I retired from fighting anyway. See my teeth? It hurts as hell. *showing off metal teeth*

Kurome glanced at you suspiciously. She knew you didn't retire, because the voice she heard from that ninja guy the other night sounded exactly like you. So she had to pop the big question.

Kurome x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now