Chapter 39

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⚠️⚠️ hints to sexual acts

Jaden pov

I walked into my apartment and was almost immediately trampled by my dogs. A Doberman and an American Pit-bull.

"Bexy, Lola. Calm the fuck down." I laughed as I bent down to pet them. As I was still stood in my doorway with the door open, I could hear moaning coming from the apartment next to me. Sometimes I really do hate the fact that these walls are so thin. "Okay, okay. We can go for a walk." I chuckled as I put them on their leads.

I walked them on our usual route but instead I avoided the alley ways. I live in a pretty rich complex and I really don't need people trying to rob me.

"Hey Jaden." Sarah, one of my neighbours said. She always tries to flirt with me and I cannot stand it. She's also married with two children older than my oldest sister who is now like 37.

"Oh, hi Sarah." I said as nicely as I could, even though I really want to get myself away.

"They are some dangerous dogs, you should really put them on a leash. I can think of something else you could use a leash for. If you want to." She said 'seductively' I just threw up in my mouth.

"I don't know how close you need to be to my dogs to see that they are actually on leashes and they aren't dangerous either." I rushed as I speed walked into the elevator. She smiled at me creepily and I just looked down. Nope, not today, no fucking thank you.

As I got to my door, my neighbours door opened, revealing the little blonde girl that lives there and a second female. I really wasn't in the mood for another social interaction so I dropped my eyes to the floor and fiddled with my keys to get them in the door.  As I went to shut the door, a foot placed itself in the way.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled, more confused as to why someone is stoping me from shutting the door. I noticed the converse as Phoenix's, my neighbours.

"A busy man like you can't get far without this." She said as she smiled sweetly at me and held up my phone, which now had a crack in the middle of the screen.

"Oh, thank-" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Babe, hurry up I need to go. Do you want me to drop you off or not?" Kash's voice rang through my ears.

With the door opened wider for me to get my phone from Phoenix, it gave Bexy an opportunity to get out the door. She ran up to Kash, which has now prolonged this whole interaction, something I didn't want to happen.

"Oh for fuck sake. Bexy here now." I commanded. She doesn't answer which results in me walking up to the dog. She's still a puppy so I pick her up and take her back to my apartment. "Thanks for my phone Phoenix, Kash, I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I was about to shut my door.

"Wait what? Why would you be seeing her tomorrow? Are you cheating on me?" Phoenix asked. I mentally groaned at that.

"Baby, think about it for just a second. Why would I, a lesbian, cheat on you with a guy? Second off, he's like 13 years older than me, and the bond I have with him, well had was more like a niece-uncle type bond. Stop thinking that I'm cheating on you with every single person that talks to me. Now I swear it fucking god, if you don't get your ass in Blair's car like right now, I will leave you here and you can Uber to Starbucks." Kash grits.

"Whose Blair? Are you cheating on me with her?" She sassed. Kash groaned and walked off.

"Order a fucking Uber." She said as she turned the corner.

"You know, Kash isn't like that. She's not a cheater and she doesn't do that. Blair is the lady who adopted Kash after her dad died. Her mom left when she was young and Blair adopted her when she was ten. They just have more of a sibling bond so Kash calls her Blair. Stop doubting her loyalty, because if there was anything I learnt about Kash even when she was young, is that she is loyal to a stone. So don't doubt the ones you love." I defended as I shut my door before she could continue the conversation.

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