Chapter 38

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Kash pov

I was very distracted for the rest of that day. I had managed to keep my concentration on one thing just long enough for me to show Travis and Colson one of my songs, CopyCat.

My ADHD medication was starting to wear off, and seeing Jaden didn't really help keep my mind straight. Not only that but my girlfriend was also blowing up my phone.

"You've got some talent kid. This song is really good. You got any more?" Colson asked me.

"Uhm, well I do. But I can't keep my concentration fixed for that long. My meds are starting to ware off so I'm surprised I was able to stay concentrated for as long as I have to be honest." I laughed uncomfortably.

"That's fine, don't worry about it. So your music is really good, and I want to talk about officially signing you to DTA." Travis said.

"Wait really?" I asked shocked.

"Of course, you have real talent here. I want you on my team." He said.

"Well I'd love to sign with you." I said trying to hide my excitement.

"Great, come down tomorrow and we can sign the papers. You coming tomorrow Kells?" He asked turning to Colson.

"Nah I can't. I got a new tattoo artist coming, her names Blair or something." He said as he peeled an orange.

"Blair Maxim? Have her come here." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well she'll be coming here to drop me off, so instead of having her drive here and then to your house, saves time and trips." I explained.

"Why would she be dropping you off?" Travis asked.

"Well, she's kind of my mom? I guess. My dad was really close friends with her, and when he died, Blair signed the papers and adopted me, but she's always been more like a big sister to me." I elaborated.

"Fair enough then. Well Kash, it was a pleasure to meet you, but I've got to go, so I'll see you tomorrow." Travis said as he walked out.

As he walked out, Jaden walked in. Suddenly I forgot that Colson was in the room and started to get angry again.

"What the fuck? Why the fuck did you just leave?" I shouted at him. He sighed and sat down on a chair.

Jaden pov

"What the fuck? Why the fuck did you just leave?" Kash shouted at me. Kells looked shocked at her sudden outburst, but otherwise showed no signs of leaving. I sighed and sat down on the chair.

"Look Kash, I will explain I just need you to calm down." I said calmly.

"Fucking calm down? You're joking right? I am not going to fucking calm down. Do you know how many times I almost lost her because of your decision? She called your old number so many times just to hear your voicemail. Jaden you didn't see her heart shatter into a million pieces when a woman answered that phone. When she realised that your number had been reassigned, I watched every piece of hope that she had left drain from her eyes. You don't know what that's like so I swear to fucking god don't you dare tell me to calm down." She sobbed. Lost Blair?

"Wait what do you mean lost her? Kash, what did she do?" I asked panicking. She just scoffed.

"Oh don't act like you fucking care. You know damn well that she would have supported your decision to move out here and further your career. But you didn't have the decency to tell her. You just fucking disappeared. You knew how much she relied on you, and you just took that away. She tried to fucking kill herself. Is that what you wanted to hear? I almost lost her five different times because she couldn't deal with the fact that she had no one. She lost her brother, she lost her mom, she lost her dad, her real dad when he turned into the monster that you knew, she lost you and then she lost herself. When she was finally finding herself she lost my dad, the only parental figure she had keeping her in check. She then pushed the responsibility of looking after me, a ten year old ADHD kid who had lost her father and mother, onto herself. She got through school, she got her degrees. When her life was finally starting to get good, her dad got released because that bastard made bail. She moved here pretending it was for work, but she is scared that if she sees him, all the progress she has made will come undone. So DONT act like you fucking care about her now." The strain in her voice showed me how much pain I had caused.

"I'm sorry Kash. I'm really fucking sorry. I didn't mean to cause that. That was never my intention. I am so sorry I caused that level of pain. I thought that if I left without telling her things wouldn't be as bad. She could move on with her life and forget about me." I explained.

"You made her feel used." She stated, I furrowed my eyebrow at her words. "You fucked her and then left. You completely forgot about her, blocked off any contact with her, getting a new number and not talking to her. It was almost as if she was a toy to use at your disposal. I am not the one you need to apologise to. Yes I formed an attachment to you, but not as much as she did. Apologise to her, not me. She'll be here tomorrow. Right Kells?" She brought her attention to the heavily tattooed man who looked extremely uncomfortable in the situation.

"Huh. Right, uh yeah." He mumbled.

"Please don't fuck it up." She asked before she stormed out of the room.

"She's 16 right?" Colson asked me.

"Yes." I mumbled back.

"She's fucking scary." He said making me chuckle.

"She would have gotten that from Blair. That little shit can be extremely terrifying when she wants to be." I laughed, trying to hide my pain. I really fucked up.

"What happened between you and this Blair then?" He asked as sat up.

I explained to him the entire story from when I first met Blair to the day that I left. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever made, and I didn't think she would have reacted like that. Looking back on it now, I probably should have.

"Wow." He said. "She really has purple eyes." Bruh really?

"That what you got from that. Jesus Colson." I let out a breathy laugh.

"No no. I was just curious. Look I don't know this girl, she seems like a genuine person. If I'm right, and if Kash's outburst tells me anything is that she's already forgiven you. In fact I don't think she ever held it against you, she was just hurt. She seems scared. Just don't mess it up." He said as he got up and walked out of the room. Helpful Colson, real fucking helpful.

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