Chapter 45: Butterflies

Start from the beginning

"I know. But I want you to know that it means everything to me." 

His eyes are still on me, meeting mine intensely. He doesn't say anything but I see the emotion in his eyes. His jaw clenches ever so slightly before he bites down on his lower lip. 

As his gaze moves from my eyes to my lips I feel a familiar tingle inside of me. 

He is so close to me right now. Pulling him to me and kissing him would be so easy, it wouldn't even take effort. But I know I shouldn't, I know it's wrong. 

I look down to his mouth, his teeth still sunk tightly into his lips, and a sigh escapes my lips as I think about what it might feel like to kiss him. 

That makes him glance back up, scanning my face. 

I'm lying in a tank-top and panties and he is almost naked, only in briefs. In any other situation this would mean something entirely different than it does right now. 

I know he just came in here to comfort and be there for me last night. I also know I'm currently dating, and very much in love with, his best friend. 

I clear my throat before I speak, "So.. What are you doing today?"

He gives me a short smile, "Looking after you. And then, probably some training. That's all I seem to do at the moment." 

I laugh a little, "Alright well, we can train together after breakfast, then. It'll distract me from Steve being gone." 

As I mention his name Bucky's eyes dart to the side and he moves to get out of bed. 

Before he leaves my room he says, "Meet me for breakfast in 10 and then we'll go training." 

Once again I'm left alone in my room but this time my thoughts are on not only Steve, but Bucky as well. 


When Bucky said yes to training together he didn't actually mean together.

He's lifting weights at an almost insane rate, staring angrily at himself in the mirror. 

I move to the floor where I usually practice my powers. 

I'm closing my eyes in an effort to focus but the sounds coming from Bucky are too distracting. He's panting each time he does a curl, or at least exhaling loudly. 

It's not annoying but it is distracting. 

I try to think back to yesterday and how the energy surged through me. 

I remember what I was thinking about when it happened and although I know the risk, I try to get back to that same spot. 

I think about the vision again but nothing happens. 

I move my hands about, frustrated, and little electric currents flow out but nothing like yesterday happens. 

As I glance towards Bucky again I get an idea. 

I close my eyes as I stand in the wide space of the gym and think back to the nightmare I had last night. 

"Madeline, you need to get to safety now!" Steve yells to me as he fights off the aliens surrounding him. 

"No," I say calmly, releasing energy towards an oncoming hoard of them. I watch Bucky as he tries to fight them off, a machine gun in hand. 

"NOW!" Steve yells at me but I stay in place. 

"I'm not leaving you, Steve!" I scream back as I glance at him and I see the worry in his eyes. 

As the aliens come charging at the three of us, both Bucky and Steve try to fight them off, unsuccessfully.

And once they are both overrun I realize I have a choice to make. 

I can save one, but not both.

As I hesitate for even a second, I lose both of them in an instant. 

I come back to reality as I feel the energy enveloping me. I open my eyes to glance down, realizing that I am, once again, raised above the floor. 

This time I won't let it control me. 

I move my hand to my face, studying the blue energy surrounding it, and I move it downwards in a quick movement. It lifts me upwards instantly. 

I move myself around a couple of times as I get the hang of being in the air like this, flying, the energy being the source. 

As I launch an energy attack towards another punching bag lying on the floor, it once again shatters into tiny pieces. 

This makes Bucky finally look up and notice me, reacting immediately to what he sees.

He runs towards me, horror and shock on his face. As he reaches me and is about to speak I put my hand up, silencing him. 

"Don't speak. I don't want to lose it again," I say as I glance down towards my glowing body. 

His mouth is agape as he watches me move around the gym. 

Once I finally feel like I'm sort of in control of my movements, I move myself slowly back down to the floor and land gracefully. 

Finally. I'm tired of being dropped from the air. 

As I land and take a deep breath, the glow disappears. 

Once I'm back to normal Bucky rushes towards me. "What the hell is going on Madeline?! What was that?!" 

"I don't know Buck. But it felt really fucking good." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now