I live in a world where...

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hai haii! I'm back with a chapter! have a great morning noon day and night wherever in the world you may be! I'm stuck in Minnesota with dumb-ass weather lol. -GTR 

My name Is Ochako Uraraka, I am 25 as of last December 27.

I caught a villain once, I never understood him. 

He said in exact words, ' I'm not insane, just have a different humor'. He did awful things for fun. I was repulsed, and still am, the crime he committed was disgusting. That's when i realized, though how he thought he was actually doing something normal. His morals were so twisted, everything he did was just okay.

I knew- know- a man who doesn't believe there's till good in most people. I didn't understand that for the longest of times. He couldn't believe there was good most people, and I felt sad about that. I would describe this man as a petunia, always angry. 

One day he got into a horrible accident. After he got out of the hospital, he went into a major slump. I visited him, and he had dark eye circles, and slumped his shoulders, when he usual was attentive and straight shouldered. whenever I got hurt, I hated the sympathy I received because it was all the same. People will tilt their heads and not really know what to say, then try not to look at the broken part of me. So when i visited him I brought over cheesy things, like games, movies and food or snacks. 

It hurt my heart to see a man who was supposed to be arrogant and prideful, now small and quiet. i really hoped i wasn't imagining anything, but I think he might've been excited or happy to see me, even if he wouldn't admit it.


"Hello-o! I'm back again, with food!"


"aw! don't be so quiet, wheres you emotion? How about, 'hello there, what food did you bring?'"

" Hello there, what food did you bring?"

"Scratch that, its hella weird. sound more like you. how about 'took your damn time! what the hell'd ya even get?"

"'took your damn time! what the hell'd ya even get?"

"much better, I got Chinese. Hope you like lo mien. Vegie for me, steak for you."

" mmm, even cream cheese wantons..."

"you betcha! all the good stuff. oh- I brought jenga, how about a few rounds?"

"I'm gonna beat your ass"

"now thats the you I know!"


He was sleeping when the world ended. He'd caught a cold and passed right out after taking some meds. As soon as I called him, he answered though. After my mountain research I was supposed to go to his house to hangout, which was probably me ending up helping him out. I ended up going to his place right away and talking for a couple of hours.


"Hi.. what're you doin- oomf!!"

"welcome back, glad you're here..."

"Don't just hug me randomly! your way, way bigger then me, you know."

"I know"


In your own words, describe  falling in love, so i can understand it better.  what does it feel like? I always thought it was a pleasant sensation, when you find out.  I found out and was a little shocked. I didn't find out by myself, I realized it when I was at a group outing.

I didn't want to tell anyone though, so I went home.

I wanted to know everything about him, i still do. that's my only regret, not knowing more about him. you can know someone your entire life and still never really know them, the side of them they don't want anyone to see.

Maybe thats how my old classmate Todoroki felt. he knew his family his whole life but never really knew Endeavor or his mother. I know how his family, mostly his father, started to really, really try to have a actual family, one that knew each others good and bad and really understood each other. maybe when Todoroki would wake up and go down to breakfast, his mother would know he didn't brush his hair yet and tease him, the way mothers do. Endeavor would yawn a good morning and pour himself some tea. his sister could yell goodbye, and his brother would be late to wherever he needed to be, but it wouldn't really matter.

I feel like, you can live with yourself your entire life and still be surprised when you do random things that you know you wouldn't normally do. If your shy, you might burst out one day in public over something you never would freak out about. Its the burst of adrenaline that bursts through your veins. Then when the adrenaline fizzes out of you your left awestruck of what the heck you just did. It helps being a hero sometimes, you have a mask and a fake identity to hide behind so you find more confidence , but when the mask comes off your just plain o'l natural you. the you no one sees. I'd like to think everyone has some sort of of mask. Different personalities or styles depending on who your with, and when you come home your you again, the you no one sees.

I only have a few things left to say before I say goodbye again. lets end today on a happy note, those listening. I don't try to be gloomy all the time, it just happens sometimes. just so you know, all you've seen is the bad side of me so far, I really think that I am a good and fun person.


"Heeeeyyy! Ochako! Glad you could make it."

"Haha, yeah me too! Looks like fun, sorry I'm late."

"ah, don't worry 'bout it, we just got started anyways. wanna order a drink?"

"Mmm, sure! "

"This place serves the best grilled pork ever I'm not kidding you."

"hahaha, I'll order some drinks and  some pork, this rounds on me!"


One time I got so totally wasted it wasn't even funny anymore. I don't drink to much, only sometimes and that's when I've had a pretty rough day. Anyways, I started doing impressions or something, and some people thought it was the funniest thing in the whole world I swear. i think I was imitating my old classmates, I only remember a bit, but apparently the group like the Bakugo and Deku imitations  the best, some of it was even video taped and put online, not that many people would know who it was. 

I live in a world where I'm okay.

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