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Faaiza just called me her friend. My crush called me her friend. In this state of happiness, I completed the 4th assignment and went to sleep.  

The next morning, I woke just on time. By the time I got ready I was already 10 minutes late. I entered the class. " Ravik is your watch 10 minutes behind the time" My teacher jeered at me. All I could say was a sorry. My teacher was surely not in a good mood that day. A few minutes later she asked for homework. I made a pdf and sent it to her. She took merely 5 minutes to check it. "Where is the 5th assignment ?" she screamed.

I was just stunned when Faaiza befriended me. I was completely lost. I totally forgot about the 5th assignment. My teacher was still screaming "11th std is not a joke"

After a good bunch of scoldings. I started completing the assignment which Mannu had sent me in the morning, with a message "sorry, I slept early yesterday". Faaiza also sent the work around 4am. By that time I was already dreaming about her in my sleep.

I finished the work and sent it. It was quite tiring. I dozed off sitting in my study chair.

"Wake up! Wake up ravik !" Gina was back. "What's up" she asked.

"Nothing much just having a bad day, my economics teacher just rebuked me" I have just completed my work.

"Leave it, I'm back you'll be fine" she said.

"Gina, you know I made friends with Faaiza !"


"She helped me in completing my HW, then she said that we are friends."

"Wow !" she exclaimed.

Gina I'm not in love with her. It's just an attraction. It just pulls me towards her. I listen to her with all my ears, I see her with all my eyes. Since the day I have seen her my heart is devoted towards her.

While I was expressing myself to myself, my phone pinged.

"Gina, Faaiza has texted something"

"Read it out you Dope"

She had written sorry for not sending the work on time. She felt guilty as I was scolded in the morning for incompletion because of her. It was somewhat shocking. I modestly explained her that it was not her fault as i totally forgot about it and slept. As I sent the message, Gina was staring me with her one eyebrow up.


"What, What? Faaiza just felt 'guilty' for me, ain't that a thing."

"It is not, go eat something your mom is calling", saying this she disappeared.

It was May 1. We hadn't step out of our houses for about 45 days. I started learning guitar, I had good time to rest but the only thing I was not getting was good sleep. It wasn't really the 'only' thing.

Every night I used to say "good-bye" to the social world and come to bed by 12am, but kept on thinking about something.

So that very night around 1 am, I was staring at my ceiling fan and thinking about Faaiza. I was alone, in a single bed with a very little light entering my room from the window. I didn't feel scared but instead I felt lonely. I couldn't play guitar so late. So, just entered the social world again. I picked up the phone to check if anyone was online. The only person online was "Faaiza".

She had sent a streak with "Sup". Which she must have sent to everyone, but Ravik being Ravik texted her "Hey", she replied "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you up so late".

She was also not able to sleep. "Actually my sleeping schedule is disturbed due to the lockdown" she explained.

I acted like an introvert for a while. Then finally came up with something more like Ravik. I started to talk about poetry and writing. It was the only thing common between us. I asked her to send me her work.

And that work just blew me off.

"See the sky once,

We'll all fade like it

The sky is blue, be happy

It is there for us

Everyone will leave,

But sky won't

It will change its colour,

But for good

It'll turn dark, bring rain

It'll turn orange, make us sleepy

Then black with twinkling stars

Seeing them we'll sleep

All pains all stresses will fade

New beginning with blue sky

New day

New morning"

She nailed it.

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