Week 1 (part 3)

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Footsteps came towards the cell. Then a vision of light going into my face, making me wince. Followed by a horrendous husky voice trying to be sweet.

"Wake up sunshine," that burly bitch said as she rolled way the cell bar to allow her closer into my vacinity.

"Why wake me up this way?" I said my lids pinch tight as I feel my way towards my shades.

"Well maybe a lamp could be in order instead. Anyway sweetheart I'm going to train you."


"The boys here can be pretty rough, not here for petty piss. Vulnerability here is seen as an opportunity to be a stepping mat or a glory hole, likely both. That is chicken shit where a bunch of of weird crap and chaos that happens here. It's pretty much the norm that you'll need to learn to adapt, know how to improvise to stay alive. I came here to also spend some time with my baby,"

Before I was told to make my bed she strapped a tracker on my ankle.

The gist I got is:

Its virtually indestructibleIt could be traced even several light years awayIt can detect my vitalsAct as a telecom, tough it's more sided control to the superjail staffs minus the DoctorBroadcasts what the weather, planned activities, and alerts

At least that is what I got after the shrew told the shrill voiced package of anxiety to cut to the chase. She brought me to her quarters so I could be 'prepped and prettied up.' Her crib was very pink, frilly and EXTREMELY girly even surpassing the tackiness of a Barbie doll house. Even a pony portrait and... is that a dildo? The moment she saw where my gaze landed she was pretty quick to hurl me into the bathroom and pile drive the door behind me. I was surprised the door didn't splinter as much as it did or I don't have any broken bones. I could be wrong, I hope I'm right or it's not too bad. The shower was nice, warm, not surrounded by semi naked guys (it's the norm for to shower with boxers still on as I find it fucking SHOULD). How I came out out (with some help), well... She loves it.

At least I got to eat some real food. Really REALLY good food oh my gosh. Alice told was once hired as a cook. The warden loved what she made so much that he decided to make an excuse to have a feast. That ended in a tremendous amount of giant mutated foods, massive property damage and casualties, along with her quitting that and just cooks as a hobby mostly for herself. When she asked me about my hobbies I was really worried about her finding them lame.

I tried thinking over what she may like. She dated mama so I guess she wanted to be like her, a ferocious dominating presence who are into strong muscular men or the 'creative type.'

"Well I love old action pack movies such as the ones with Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, now that was a man I could watch for him alone."

I swear the moment I mentioned that Austrian-American hunk her shades beamed.

"Ooh same. I actually think he was my first crush,"


"Yeah back then I just didn't know how to react to my feelings when I was little. My sister had a tape of him in a documentary called 'Pumping Iron.' There were a lot of hunks in there too. At the time fitness was a really big fad so my mom thought I want to be like those stacked men, so I kept up with working out with a lot of fitness channels and tapes. Ugh I'm showing my age."

"No that's okay. I actually did those things too before I came here,"

"Are you pulling my leg?"

"No I'm not. I found some VHS tapes in the attic and my cousin Sissy would allow me to play them on her old TV in return for cleaning and guarding her room. It was my best connection to dancing after my other cousins and I were no longer regularly taken to the mall. Even after schools started loaning tablets and computers to students to do their assignments online I still continue the favor since my room barely have any wiggle room and I do kind of get self-concious with some of the music I use or movement I do."

"Hey you don't have to worry about that here, if anyone laughs or make remarks towards them you can beat the deal out of them all you want with some added variety of ways I'll teach you how to. Don't worry we'll also put your dances and workouts to good use. It sounds it will help you dodge some blows." 

And dodge some blows I did, FOR MY LIFE!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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