Chapter 34

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avani came over not long after i got out of the shower with nick. i was in the kitchen with chase and alex when she came up

avani: hey y/n!! where are you!!

y/n: im in the kitchen!!

avani: ok coming!

chase and alex went to find something to eat from the cupboards and i sat down at the big table with my phone. avani came up the stairs with 2 huge bags of stuff. i laughed when i saw her and ran over to help. i told her we could put the stuff in my room, nick went to ride his bike with ryland for a few hours.

y/n: vani you didnt have to get all this stuff

avani: i know but all of it was so cute and i couldnt stop myself

y/n: and why the hell is there a baby onesie in here??

avani: well if you are pregnant i wanted to be the first to get you something!

y/n: i guess we're about to find out if you're gonna be an auntie

avani: i hope i am

i laughed at her and took the 3 boxes from the bag. i looked at her and she crossed her fingers and smiled. i rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom.

i peed on the first stick and waited a few minutes for it to process. avani made me drink water so i could pee again, i almost choked when she basically shoved the water bottle to my mouth. we waited 45 minutes instead of 20 because i was so nervous to check.

y/n: no i cant look. you check

avani: are you sure? and remember this is only the first test, we have others to make sure its right

y/n: yes im sure, just do it already

avani: okok im checking

avani turned over the stick and took in a sharp breath. my hand went to mouth and i waited for her to tell me the result. she looked up from the test and looked at me smiling. i don't know if it means i'm pregnant or not but i still stay quiet.

avani: well. can i just say, if you don't make me godmother i'm actually going to hurt you

she kept smiling and showed me the test. positive

i gasped and grabbed the stick, then slapped my hand to my face again. i'm pregnant. i'm gonna be a mom.

y/n: yeah. yeah you can be godmother

avani: great! i didnt want to have to hurt you

y/n: you would never

avani: mmm don't underestimate me

i laughed at avani before i stopped and looked at her.

y/n: i'm gonna be a mom

avani: hell yeah you are!

y/n: nicks gonna be a dad

avani: yes he is. and just so you know, this baby is gonna be so spoilt you have no idea

i laugh again at avani and reach over to hug her tight. she hugs back and my eyes start watering.

y/n: ugh okay i cant cry otherwise i wont stop.

avani: yeah okay you're right

i pull away from the hug and avani wipes her eyes. i laugh and pat her shoulder.


i take the other two tests and they also come back positive. avani wouldn't stop smiling because she was going to be an aunt, i couldn't stop smiling because im going to have a kid with nick. i just hope it's what he wants.

but he time i actually done with the tests and me and avani are snacking on the bed with all the stuff she bought when she came, nick is home. he came up to our room and didn't realize avani was there until he sat on her, i laughed quite a lot. she left all mad cause he sat on her and me and nick kept laughing for like 10 minutes

nick: so, why did avani come over?

y/n: oh uh i needed her to get something for me

nick: oh? i was out you could've  asked me

y/n: no i couldn't

nick: what? of course you-

y/n: nick i have to tell you something.

nick went dead silent when i said that

y/n: no it's nothing bad

nick: oh thank god. what's up?

y/n: well uh... a couple weeks ago. um. you didn't.... pull out

nick: .....oh

y/n: yeah. and i'm late

nick: what? what do you mean late?

y/n: me period nick. i didn't get it

he went silent again. i took a deep breath and grabbed his hands

y/n: nick. what i'm trying to tell you is... i'm pregnant


hey everyone! i'm really sorry i haven't updated and i left you on that cliffhanger! there was a problem with covid and we went back to online school for a bit then we went back and had exams and everything's been really hectic lmao. but i hope you enjoy this chapter, i'll try and update again soon. i love you and thank you so much for over 45k reads i really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️

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