Chapter 29

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we spent another week in Australia. we saw my parents a few more times and everyone seemed to love them, especially my mums cooking which i found hilarious, but i couldn't blame them.
we decided to go back to LA tomorrow, and alex found us a flight. This time i was especially excited to go back because jess and claire were coming with me!!

y/n: im so excited for you to meet everyone!!!!

jess: aghhh same!!!!

claire yelled. we all laughed and fell onto claire's bed since we were helping her pack first.

y/n: ugh i really hope you like it at the house. OMG I ALMOST FORGOT

claire: WHAT

y/n: they bought a new house!!!! i saw it just before we left and guess what?!?

jess: what??!?


claire and jess: WHATTT



y/n: wow this is great.

jess: i know right? like this is fuckin epic
we all laughed again and went back to helping claire pack.
they would only be staying in la with us for 2 weeks since they still had jobs etc. but i would see them soon enough since christmas was only a month away!!

(A/N: i honestly don't know where we are in this book but like pretty sure we were in summer so it can't be too far from christmas)

~the next day~
i woke up early to make sure i had everything i needed in my suitcase. and to check nicks since he was bound to leave something here. i heard a groan from the bed and i giggled a little knowing it was nick.

nick: why are you up at 7 y/n?

y/n: because i don't wanna leave anything behind. and god knows you won't check your stuff.

nick: hey i will too

y/n: really?

y/n: mmmmm that's what i thought.
i said to him as i climbed back on to my side of the bed.
he wrapped his arms around me and tucked his head into the crook of my neck. i felt his breath against me and it made my heart pound. i moved my head a tiny bit so it was laying on top of his and i kissed him gently. i could feel his smile on my skin. we laid there for a few minutes before nick spoke again.

nick: y/n?

y/n: yes bear?

nick: i love you so much. i know i say it but you'll never really understand how much i love you. i probably should've done this earlier but i feel like now is a good time
nick turned to the nightstand on his side and pulled out a small velvet box. my eyes widened and my jaw fell open. like i couldn't get it to close i was so shocked

y/n: nick i- that what i think it is-

nick: no. um it''s a promise ring. it's me promising you that i'll love you forever, no matter what. and day this ring will become a different one..... if you know what i mean.

y/n: i- nick-

nick: just please, take it?
he asked me as he pulled out the small silver ring. it was encrusted with small diamonds and 'i love you' were engraved on the inside. i couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes as i admired the ring and the man lying next to me. i looked up at him with the most happiness i think i've ever felt

y/n: of course i'll take it nick! and i hope it be ones a different ring one day too.
i replied. he sighed with relief and slid the ring onto my right ring finger. i looked at it on my hand smiling, imagining it on my left hand.

y/n: i love you nick. so, so much
i said softly, i cupped his cheek with my hand and gave him a meaningful kiss.
when we pulled away i leant my forehead against his and we both smiled.


nick and i laid in bed smiling at each other for another hour before we got up. i checked our stuff again just to make sure and we got all our extra things like phones and headrests in our carry on's.
when we were all ready and packed we went out to living room where we saw kouvr, alex and mia sitting on the couch watching tv.

y/n: hey guys what are watching?
i asked them, wrapping an arm around nick.

mia: oh nothing. just some random house hunt-

kouvr: um what is THAT y/n???

y/n: what?

alex: oh i don't know the sparkly thing on your finger?
alex asked sarcastically. i dropped my jaw slightly before answering.

y/n:'s a promise ring.

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