Chapter 6: A stupid dinner date

Start from the beginning

At this point, I did not even know what bothered me more — The incompetence of my entire or the fact that Sarawat had decided to sit so close to Misty it was almost annoying. He did not need to hover over and she absolutely did not need to shift more towards him just to show him whatever was in her phone. May be May was right, these young kids really had a lot to learn, about their work and about being professional.

I shook my head to ignore whatever it was they were doing and tried to focus on the work in hand. Instead, I called out for May instead.

"May, make sure you take the notes in the meeting and email.." A phone started to ringing loudly, but it closed down just as quickly. So, I chose to ignores it.

"Josh we need all hands on deck for this one. The deadline is to close for us to take this lightly—" The phone started to ring again and this time, I realised the where the sound was coming from — It was Sarawat's phone.

"Sarawat Gun-- Sarawat, if that call is so important that you can't even put your phone on silent, why don't you just leave the meeting and go outside so we can actually get some work done?"

"I am sorry, Tine" Sarawat stood up but just then his phone started to ring again. He fumbled with his phone and silenced it quick. "I am so sorry."

"Leave Sarawat."

"I have put it on silent now and I wont—"

"I don't care. You have been here more than a week. You should have known better than to leave your phone out like this. Leave right now."

"But Tine, I said I —"

"Don't argue with me Sarawat. LEAVE!"

Sarawat didn't say anything else. He walked out of the meeting room right away. When the meeting was finally over an hour later and I was walking towards my cabin, I found him sitting in his seat with his head down, typing way to aggressively on his laptop.

Just as I was arranging all the documents in my cabin, May came inside.

"Here are the papers you need. Also you are an arrogant asshole."


"You didn't have to yell at Sarawat like that"

"Did you see how his phone kept ringing in the meeting?"

"It happened twice, Tine and it wasn't a big deal. I know for a fact you would let an incident like this go if it were someone else."

"It was a big deal. He has been here long enough to know that he should put his phone on silent during meetings."

"It was an honest mistake, Tine. It could have happened to anyone, even you. "

"Whatever, May. I need to work now"

"You know he is sulking and pouting incessantly outside, right? He looks like sad, lost puppy."

"He is?" I looked up from my papers. "I mean.. whatever, I don't care. May, You can leave."

I tried scanning through the papers that May gave me, but I couldn't focus on them at all. Instead of I was tapping my fingers on the desk wondering if I had really crossed the line. Was he really that sad? Now that I think about it.. it could have been an honest mistake.

Finally I picked up the phone and called May. "May, tell Sarawat to come into my cabin."

"Oh god. You are going to yell at him even more, aren't you?"

"Just tell him to come in. Bye."

Sarawat walked into my cabin looking exactly as May had described him — a lost puppy.

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