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He desperately rushed towards the small bag but it was already consumed by the fire. Shoto dropped to his knees. He was torn between acting like nothing happened and telling his father he had burned his suppressants. The second choice men the would be beaten up more. He stood up and fighting with his tears he grabbed a small bag and walked towards his school.

He got there right on time when Aizawa was giving away keys to their dorms. He waited patiently in line trying not to break down.

"Oi icyhot! What's up with the tiny bag?"he heard a shout coming from behind him.
Shoto didn't reply which made the other full up with rage.
"OI IM TALKING TO YOU! MAMA DIDNT TEACH YOU MANNERS?" He screamed right into his ear.
Todoroki felt a somewhat fear that he never felt before. Was it because he didn't take his suppressants? No, he was sure he had taken them this morning when he was eating break... right he didn't get to eat his meal because of his father. He sighed thankfully Bakugo had stopped screaming.
He looked him in the eye only to be met with the others confused gaze. Shoto looked around everyone was staring at him.
"Did you just whimper?" Bakugo asked quietly so only Shoto could hear him. The latter didn't respond, terrified.
"Bakugo I think it was your mother who forgot to teach you manners" a tired voice sounded."now could you all take your keys so I can go to sleep?"
Everyone rushed to Aizawa and took a key at random.

Shoto's dorm was located on the third floor. There were only two other dorms in this floor. But it seemed it's residents haven't come up yet. Shoto opened slowly the doors. His room was small but not cramped. There was a big window on the furthest wall from the entrance. He looked around there wasn't much to do here.
"Oi Todoroki!!" Mina walked through the doors" oh wow you have a great window! You'll be able to see the sunset!"
" oh cool" He shrugged. She was way overexcited.
"Anywayyy we're having a party downstairs so come. Deku said he made some soba for you so now you have to come down" she grinned.
"Also could pass it onto Bakugo?"
"I don't know where he lives"
"What do you mean? He's dorm is to your right"With that she left and Shoto having nothing better to do knocked on Bakugos door.

Shoto's POV:
After a while the blond boy answered.
"What do you want Halfy?"
"Mina told me that there's a party downstairs and that deku made cold soba so I have to go down and to pass it on to you" I repeated what she had said. Bakugo looked baffled at me than smirked.
"You're so dumb. Did she tell you to pass on the news literally? I don't need to know about cold soba"
"Right" I said feeling a heat wave come through my face. I turned around and started walking away.
"Wait for me" I felt my body come to halt. Did he use his alpha voice on me. I tried to calm down. The suppressants should still be working even though I didn't take any today. With all my might I made my self turn around and look him in the eye.
" I am not an omega" I said, trying to make my voice sound harsh but it came out vague almost like a whimper.
"I'm having hard time believing that" he said patting my back and going downstairs.

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