Love Me, Hate Me, Love You

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Why is she so cute? Like, just seeing her walk down the hall makes my heart go boom!

But why doesn't she have a bad attitude? Or a bad personality? It's so weird! She's so weird!!

Did you know that clams have more eyes than spiders?

Ehehehehehehe!! Just thinking of Yuki makes me all giddy. Why am I like this? I feel weird again. One second I'm fine, but when she comes into my mind, it's like my insides explode!

Why does everyone like bird skin, anyway?

People who make cute and amazing things all have bad personalities and horrible attitudes, right? Maybe that's why Yuki's so amazing? Her parents made her, and they're awful. And that's why she's so amazing?

Ehehehe! She's like a little angeeeelll!!! Like the angels you put on top of Christmas trees!!

So nice. So soft. So caring. So warm. So everything!!

Besides the bad stuff. Yuki can never be baaaaaad! Imagine shearing a chicken for it's feathers, like it's a sheep.

Aaaahhhh!! I can't stop thinking about her, I think I'm going crazy! I just wanna hold hands with her, talk to her, give her gifts and so on and so on! Why do all emergency cars need to be so loud? Don't they know their waking people up?

But why? Why won't you stop loving me? Stop loving me, Yuki. Why can't you just be normal? Then again, I'm not normal, too. Maybe that's why we're meant to be?

Aww man, if she loves me more, then I'll really go nuts. Why do they tie up crazy people again?

Stop loving me. Let me be at peace. Stop making me want to follow you in secret for no good reason. Stop making me feel like this. Stop everything.

That was a lie, I like this!

I like don't like but also like this!

But I also don't like like but also don't like this!!

My heart keeps beating all fast when I'm with you. I start giggling like an idiot when I hear your voice echo through out Towa Hills. My face starts to be as red as Masaru's hair when I think of you.

And sometimes...sometimes I even start drawing you when I'm supposed to be drawing something completely different!!

It's all so annoyiiiiiiiiing!

Why do I feel like this? I've never felt like this's weird...

Aaaggghhhh!!! Yukiiiii, just hate me already! Let me love you, while you hate me!!

Wait, no. Don't hate me. Stay the way you are.

No!! Hate me! Change and hate me!






Ehehehe! Man, I must reeeaaally be in love with you right now~!

I loooooove you, Yuki! You're my one and only! My first and true love!

Ah, who cares!

I wish you'd find out about my feelings soon, Yuki! I wish you can tell me you feel the same way, and not friend-zone me like what you do with Nagisa!



I wonder...

Will I...loose against him?

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