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Frenchie was obsessed with blueberry ice cream, wore daisy flower crowns, and smelled like green tea.
She had light blond hair, creamy pale skin, and pacific blue eyes.
I never saw her without her baby pink, flowy dress.
Her hair was so long I doubted she ever cut it in her lifetime.
She painted her toenails a light yellow color, painted her lips a soft pink, and painted her eyelids a neutral peach.
She wouldn't wear shoes if she could help it, and she walked on her toes, and had a little silver chain clasped around her ankle.
Frenchie was majoring in environmental science and minoring in cultural studies.
Her laugh sounded like birds chirping and she liked her coffee with two sugars.
She didn't own a car, just a light blue bicycle with a brass bell and wide handlebars.
Frenchie rented an off campus apartment that she shared with two other girls.
Kennedy was studying behavioral science, Lacey was majoring in psychology.
Frenchie hated Lacey, said she was too stuck up and obnoxious.
Lacey hated Frenchie, said it was weird that she wore the same dress everyday.
I wrote Frenchie love notes, and left them all around her apartment.
She'd read them, grin, fold them, and tuck them into the cup of her bra.
Frenchie was obsessed with watercolors, wore diamond stud earrings, and smelled like citrus fruit.
Frenchie existed as if she was in a drowsy, candlelit dream.
She was composed of indirect sunlight and green, sprouting trees.
Her heart pounded to the song of nature, blue skies and rippling seas.
She dances in the rain, her wet pink dress clinging to her pretty body.
She kissed the clouds, pink lips puckered and blue eyes closed.
She raced with the wind, bare feet slamming against the earth until her heels cracked and bled, bruised up to her toes.
Frenchie was selfish, but she'd never admit it.
Frenchie liked me more than I liked her.
We split one day after one month.
The earth imploded, the sky was falling, the ocean was being drained out.
She yelled and screamed, I cried and hollered.
Everytime we saw each other after, gazes were avoided, presence was left unacknowledged, tension simmered in the silence.

Every Girl I've Loved A Lifetime Agoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें