
110 1 34

Currently almost all roles are open
President: all 10 patches. Igor Steele 42 years old
Vice President: 9 patches
Sergeant at arms: 8 patches. They can strip patches if necessary, is in charge of members safety, weapons and is the big boss of the enforcers and bruisers in addition to snipers, scouts and smugglers.
Secretary: 7 patches. They make sure that meetings are started and roll has been called while also letting other members know what they may have missed in previous meetings.
Treasurer: 7 patches. Makes sure that money is going where it belongs and that everyone is paid.
Road Captain: 1, 6 patches. They're in charge of the runs and plans the routes as they're out in front with the President and VP. Is in charge on runs if the Pres and VP aren't there.
Sniper: five limit, 5 patches. They're the deadliest tools in the clubs arsenal and the best sharpshooters.
Mia Stone- 22 years old
Nicole Sparks- 24 years old
Tail gunner: five patches. They're basically the guy who helps repair bikes during runs or helps tow bikes if they're too damaged. Is the backup for the road captain and rides in the back.
Enforcer: 5 limit, 4 patches. They make sure that rules are being followed and enlist Bruisers to handle things if they aren't.
Smuggler: five limit 4 patches. They tend to smuggle illicit goods around as needed.
Scout: 5 limit, 3 patches. They keep an eye out for other clubs or fucking pigs (cops) that try to infringe upon their turf
Talia Smith 23 years old
Chaplain: 3+ patches depending on how high up they were before becoming Chaplain. They handle marriages, funerals, provide wisdom and guidance to the president and helps decide when a prospect is ready to become a full member. Very important and well traveled.
Bruiser: 5 limit, 2 patches. Beats people up for the club that generally don't require an enforcer to handle.
Member: 5 limit, 1 patch. Can sit in on meetings and vote on ideas.
Brian Maxwell-18 years old
Old lady/gentleman: 10 limit for now, level varies depending on who they're with's level in the club. 1 patch.
Prospect: 10 limit for now, no patches. Errand boys or girls or whatever gender they identify with
Strippers: 10 limit for now. Take tips, entertain members and prospects alike. 
Club whores: 10 limit for now. They're used by the club however the members and even prospects want

Hellhounds MCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora