He's Going to Kill me

Start from the beginning

My fate now decided on I run up to Bakugo looking for an opening. I feel like I see one but when reaching for one hit Bakugo pushes me back. Just barely I stay up stumbling back towards the wall.

Even though I'm technically still in the match I can barely move, Bakugo had knocked all the wind out of me. Nothing hurt too bad but my energy was almost completely gone.

Bakugo runs up preparing a blast that will surely leave me in the nurses. Before he sends the explosion I take one last look at y/n and Shoto giving them the very same smile I did at the beginning of the match. I knew I was about to lose but at least I didn't quit. I close my eyes waiting for the blast but nothing happens.

I open my eyes but Bakugos no longer preparing to attack, instead he's just standing there. His expression has changed as well. It's not so cold so full of hatred it's softer less malicious.

He makes his way up to me and sees me pinned to the wall. He looks down whispering, "Just so you know, if it weren't for her I would have attacked you right an explosion right now. One so big you'd be in the nurses the rest of the day. So be grateful and don't put up a fight because I don't know how much longer I can contain my wanting to simply destroy you."

Purely out of shock I allow Bakugo to push my body down. All Might calls the match but I still lie there. Bakugo doesn't give me a second look but instead walks past me back into the seating area.

He really was an asshole. He didn't care for his classmates and even when it was just practice he went all out. And if it hadn't been for her, I'd be in the nurses just like he said. I know I should still be extremely angry that he even attempted to hurt me, but for some reason I just felt happy. Happy that the cold hearted Bakugo had fallen victim to the charms of the crazy, wild, and broken y/n. I believe that's what people would call a match made in heaven.


"Holy shit, Bakugos going to kill her." Shoto says closely watching the match in front of us.

I didn't respond to him, I had no idea what to say. All that I was thinking about was if Momo would be ok. She was currently pinned to a wall and Bakugo was preparing a blast that could seriously hurt someone.

Right before Bakugo sets up his attack Momo glances up at me and Shoto. While expecting her to mouth the word help or something along those lines I'm surprised when instead she smiles similar to the one she gave at the beginning. It's like she knew, she knew she was about to lose yet I'm sure she's happier going out like this rather than losing.

Her smile disappears and she looks back at Bakugo closing her eyes. I notice Shoto grip his seat tighter, worried for Momo. I too find myself gripping my seat but Bakugos explosion suddenly dies down. Though it's fast he turns back like Momo looking at me and Shoto. Our eyes meet for just a second and he sighs turning back.

Shoto seems just as worried when Bakugo approaches Momo but my grip loosens. From that split second exchange alone I knew he wouldn't hurt her. Before finishing her though he does whisper something. By no means can I hear it but by Momos expression I have a feeling it's about me. Then Bakugo using little force pushes down Momo endings he match.

Momo lies there but at least she's still awake. Without even glancing at her Bakugo walks past her entering the seating room. This time when passing us he doesn't even give me or Shoto a glance. Instead he keeps his head down waking back to his seat.

Momo got up pretty soon after Bakugo left and slowly made her way back to me and Shoto. As she gets closer I can see that she's definitely tired but she doesn't seem that injured in any particular spot. She greets us with a smile and Shoto beats me to saying something, "Momo are you ok?

Momo sits down in between me and Shoto smiling, "Don't worry Shoto, I'm perfectly fine. A little sore from his one hit, but nothing too bad."

Shoto relaxes a bit sitting back in his seat. Now it was my turn, I look over to Momo whispering, "Hey correct me if I'm wrong, but at the end there when Bakugo whispered something to you, it was about me wasn't it?"

Momo look back at me responding, "Yeah, I'll tell you back at the dorms." I nod in response and look back at the next match.

Once the rest of the matches played out we all showered and were free to go back to the dorms. When we were back there Momo and me and went straight to my room to explain what happened today.

"Ok you first y/n, tell me how you did it." She says once we sit at the edge of my bed.

"Right, basically I've had this move in mind for a while. I had practiced on myself once but because I was doing it to myself it wasn't really a real experiment. The move is basically where I look back through my memories to a past time I've used my quirk on someone. Then using that memory I remember every inch of their brain and then when I stare at them even if they don't look back at me I can enter their brain because I remember every square inch of it including the entrance. I call it the one sided mind invasion. There are some downsides though. I can only use it when I have a lot of energy and after using it I'm basically useless. It also takes a lot of time that's why I hid today, so I could prepare it." I finish explaining.

"Oh my god no way! That's so cool y/n, I mean yeah it takes up a lot energy and time sure, but if we were in a big fight where you knew the enemy and you had people to back you up, you'd be invincible!" She beamed."

"Yeah I mean I guess, but now tell me what Bakugo said." I say changing the topic over to her and Bakugos fight, or rather, the end of it.

"Oh right, to put it simply you indirectly saved me from a whole lot of pain." She says cheerfully.

"Hmm, I see. I had figured it was something like that." I say nodding.

"Yep, you've really done a number on that boy." She states falling back into my bed.

"Oh yeah? What's that supposed to mean?" I question falling back beside her.

"Well the other day when you used your quirk on accident and he got really mad you calmed him down, also later that day when he fainted with anyone else he would have killed them but with you he was ok with it, and then just today you're the reason he refused to hurt me." She shares looking up at the ceiling.

"Eh I don't know, I mean it's cool that we're like dating and all, and you were right that he cares about me. But his anger management is so bad I don't think I can really control it." I doubt my abilities of controlling Bakugos temper.

"Suit yourself, I'm just telling it how I see it."
She shrugs sitting back up. She looks back at me cheerfully, "Well I promised Shoto he could take me out to dinner tonight so I have to go now but I'm glad we had a chance to talk."

I sit up sighing, "Yeah so am I, oh and have fun with Shoto."

She stands up blushing, "Thanks, oh and you have fun with Bakugo. I'm assuming that's where you're going to go."

"Yeah you're probably right." I laugh.

Momo waves goodbye and heads out to go to dinner with Shoto. I'm actually pretty happy that she was so excited to hear about my new move because it made her forget all about my birthday. I wonder if she knew I knew that she wasn't just going to dinner with Shoto. Not that I think he wouldn't take her out but it's Monday night, no way he'd get permission unless my uncle Shouta and mother were with them. She knew me pretty well too though. I was going to text Bakugo, not like he really hangs out with people other then me.


Hey can we hang out rn?

Come to Kaminaris, with him and Kirishima.

Ok be there soon

Well that was unexpected. Can't be too bad though. I enjoy Kaminari and Kirishima at least. The only thing that surprises me is that Bakugo invited me with them there, I guess he told them about us. They are best friends I guess.

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