Harry patted him on the shoulder. "Good man."

When he got to Ginny's door he knocked twice and waited. A few moments later it creaked open and she poked her head out.


Her eyes were impossibly bloodshot, and her hair was tied up in a knot. That was all he could see of her except for the overlarge shirt that he knew said, 'Let's all just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best,' scrawled across the chest. It had once been Fred's.


"Not hungry."

"Aw, too bad."

He dragged her into the kitchen by the arm and pushed her into a chair next to Ron, who was scarfing down food at a pace almost equivalent to his usual gusto.

Harry took the letter from Neville and flipped it over so he could scribble on the back.

Sorry, think Gin needs us here. The Firewhiskey wouldn't do him any good, either.

Next time,

He thought that would be the last of it since he didn't hear from Neville for the rest of the afternoon, but at half eight that night, the floo chimed and he went over to it curiously.

Neville's head was bobbing in the flames, the noise of a pub filling up Grimmauld's sitting room.

"Hey, mate," Neville shouted. "Can we floo through?"

"Er..." Harry wondered who all 'we' was, exactly. "Yeah, yeah, come on."

He stepped back and within seconds Neville was stumbling out of the fireplace, followed closely by Dean, Seamus, and Luna.

"Harry!" Luna cried, throwing her arms around him and then pulling back to give a quick peck on the nose. "We thought we'd come by and say hullo. Did you know it's a mess in here?"

"Oh, erm..." he'd left his crumpled up ideas for products lying around, "Sorry about that."

"What is all this?" Neville asked, leaning down to pick up some parchment.

"Work, I suppose. The ministry wants to close Wheezes. If I'm to save it, I need products, and this is," he gestured vaguely, "well it's what I've got so far."

Neville laughed, nudging Luna and Dean until they looked at whatever was on the parchment that was so funny. Harry's face heated, but he pretended it wasn't happening.

"You're never gonna get it to explode right like this," Seamus said, leaning in over Dean's shoulder.

Harry stared at him for a moment, baffled.

"I'm not?"

Before Seamus could respond, Ginny wandered in, presumably to see what all the ruckus was about.

She stopped short at the sight of their friends, frowning.

"What are you lot doing here?"

"We've come to keep you company," Luna said, bouncing over and greeting her with a kiss on the forehead.

Ginny just blinked at her, and then she called, "Ron, your people are here."

A second later, Ron's freckled face popped out from the doorway. "They're hardly my people. Look, Luna's right there and she's certainly one of yours. And you dated Dean."

"So that makes us Ron's?" Neville asked.

" 's a shame, really." Seamus sighed. "Divorce is so hard on the kids."

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