An end before the start

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We did grow older

We did grow apart

we didn't have the perfect start

You were too good for me

You very well knew

That was the only fact that kept me away from you

Time might be a healer

But it just tore my wounds more

Standing empty handed knocking on your door

We did have our "talks" but just with our eyes

Not a single word was uttered not even a "goodbye"

I would cheat from you even when I knew the answer

I just wanted to see that face with a smile

Saying "stupid padh lia karr..kab tak cheating krega??"

"Our Eternity " screamed my heart

Every time you said that

But I could never express it

Because we were not yet ready

Time and people started pulling us far from each other

Widening the gap day by day

That little crack between us had grown

Everything was broken, everything that was sworn

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