↺ 001 : lungs & honey biscuits

Start from the beginning

And my lung still hadn't been touched.

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NO SOONER HAD THE LECTURE ended than I'd darted out the doors, well on my way to the nearest café, or the university library. My lab coat was barely off my shoulders by the time I arrived at the tall Victorian-era style building. The café would've been too noisy for me to concentrate, what, with it being a Wednesday afternoon and all.

My histology report was due two hours ago, and I'd completely lost track of time. I swear, I'd been studying-all my time was devoted to assignments and schoolwork-but somehow, I'd forgotten about this one.

Admittedly, skin tissues didn't exactly scream fun, but I'd barely been at ASU four months. I could not afford any missing assignments.

I settled at an empty table in the far corner and pulled out my phone and laptop. First, I shot my roommate, CJ, a quick text of utmost importance.

Me: could you grab me some toast?

And then my attention zeroed on the task at hand. The task beforehand? Otherwise, I would no doubt have lost myself to social media or something equally as time wasting.

I didn't even have time to waste.

The blank MS Word page stared at me, the blinking cursor taunting my inability to come up with something-anything-worthwhile. I'd set my fingers on the keyboard to at least type my name when my phone screen came to life.

CJ: sure! got you some honey biscuits as well. hope your classes are going well.

I gave in to the temptation.

Me: lifesaver !! how are you so awesome? and no, classes are terrible. i forgot my histology report and now i'm stuck. send help.

CJ: ahh, shit. where are you? we could work on it together. two good heads ...

CJ Murphy was indeed, a lifesaver, and to say I'd lucked out with a roommate like her would be the understatement of the century. Even though I wasn't the most accommodating person out there, I got along with her just fine.

Me: omg you are amazing!! ily so much. i'm at the library. see you soon?

Me: p.s. bring lots of honey biscuits <3

In order to pass time productively, I tossed my phone in my bag and leaned closer to the computer screen, calling on heaven to look down on me and hopefully, feed me with words of advice.

All I got for that was company.

If it were CJ, I would've been elated, if not a little creeped out that she'd arrived so soon. But since it wasn't CJ, I could only wonder why my new friend saw it fit to take a seat at my table, when there were other empty ones in the vicinity.

"Hey," I called out after moments of staring.

He did not acknowledge my presence.

"Hey," I tried again, this time snapping my fingers. It was one thing to invade a person's space. It was a whole nother thing to outrightly ignore them whilst doing so. "Hey!"

That seemed to do the trick. His head snapped up. He met my gaze possibly for the first time. There was a chance he hadn't noticed the table was occupied, as implausible as that was.

"What're you doing here?" I asked. He gave me a confused frown, eyebrows knitted together. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Okay, look. This is a library. This area of the library is mostly unoccupied. You could've just used another table. You would have had it all to yourself." You wouldn't have to put up with an irritable woman.

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