Trauma (nsfw)

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It was the last training of the day at The Horde. Catra, Adora, Kyle, Rogelio and Lonnie were fighting against bots. This time, there were more bots than usual, their training only became harder.

"Kyle! Watch out!" Lonnie shouted but it was already too late. Kyle was electrocuted by a bot, a huge red X glowed on his chest panel.

"Why is it always me?" Kyle frowned.

There were currently five bots trying to attack them, that was definitely more than usual. Normally they would fight three, this was definitely a first.

Rogelio and Lonnie targeted one. The big lizard guy distracted the bot to a location while Lonnie jumped on it's back and destroyed the core.

"Good teamwork!" Lonnie jumped down from the non-functional bot and walked towards Rogelio for a high five. But without paying attention, another one of the murder machines started shooting lasers at them.

"Dodge!" Adora shouted as she jumped towards the hostile bot, hitting it with her baton a couple of times until it shut down and hit the floor with force.

"Thanks Adora!" Lonnie shouted as she ran with Rogelio towards one of the three remaining bots but unfortunately the machines were changing tactics, two of them targeted the duo and shot lasers aiming for their panels. Unfortunately Lonnie and Rogelio were out.

"Ugh! Who made the bots stronger? Not fair." Lonnie cried out.

"Where is Catra?!" Adora shouted as she ran away from the three bots that targeted her. Adora could easily take a bot out if there weren't three focused only on her.

"You can do it!" Lonnie cheered for Adora but it didn't seem like she had a plan. Until an idea sparked through her mind, Adora decided to hide behind the pillars until they were distracted and attack one by one.

After one of the machines took some distance from the others, Adora ran towards it and pierced the core with her baton.

'Good job.' Adora's thoughts were quickly interrupted as the two remaining bots surrounded her. 'Oh no!' Adora looked for a way out, but she had none.

To her luck, Catra came to her rescue, effortlessly jumping on one of them and clawing a hole through the metal, grabbing the inner cables and pulling them out.

The other bot tried shooting lasers at Catra but she dodged it while using the nearby pillars to her advantage, as she bounced over Adora, she used her claws to destroy the remaining machine.

'Woah.' Adora's face darkened with a blush.

"You're welcome." Catra flirtatiously spoke as she jumped back to the floor.

"Catra, thank-' Adora was interrupted by Lonnie and Rogelio running towards her and giving her a hug.

"Thanks for saving us back there! And good job with your diversion plan." Lonnie cheered for Adora, completely ignoring Catra. Even Kyle seemed to ignore the feline.

"Oh- That was nothing." Adora grinned shyly.

"I'm sure you would've been able to take them out if Catra hadn't stepped in." Lonnie added.

Catra's hands turned into a fist as she walked out of the training headroom in direction of the locker room.

Why was she never enough? Catra was definitely better at fighting than all of them! Even when she tried to prove her worth, it was still not recognized.

All they cared about was Adora. No matter what Catra did, no one seemed to care.

Why was everyone so obsessed with Adora anyway? Why did they always treat her like she was special?

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