Storage room (nsfw)

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Something felt different. But Adora couldn't understand what it was. Her eyes slowly opened up, all the cadets were sleeping in their assigned beds, but she couldn't see their faces, for some reason all of them were sleeping with their backs away.

'Weird.' Adora looked at her alarm clock, it was four AM, meaning that she still had an hour more to sleep.

But where was Catra? Adora sat up on her bed to find her sheets empty.

'Where the hell is she?' Adora wasn't used to waking up without her friend around.

A sudden creaking noise of their dormitory door got Adora's attention. She switched her attention to the entrance when she saw Catra.

'W-What?' Adora was stunned to see her friend walk towards her, completely bare naked, her body soaking wet as if she got out of the showers and didn't dry herself.

Adora's pale skin quickly turned into a dark red. Why the hell was Catra awake at this hour, pacing around the dormitories naked, soaking wet.

Catra took a few steps towards Adora and sat down next to the blondie. She leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Hey Adora, do you like what you see?" Catra's flirtatious tone sent vibrations to her chest.

"Catra?!" Adora tried whispering back, afraid of  waking up the other cadets. "What has gotten into you? Are you trying to get caught?"

"I know the truth Adora, you want me." Catra gently grabbed Adora's hand and pulled it closer to her face. Her raspy tongue sticking out and licking a strip of Adora's skin, from her fingers all the way to the forearm.

Adora impulsively closed her eyes, letting out a soft whimper. "C-Catra... W-What are you doing?"

The feline raised her head and leaned closer to Adora's ears one more time. "Do you want me to stop?" Although Adora wasn't looking at her friend, she could tell that Catra was smirking. Adora chose not to answer. "That's what I thought."

Catra leaned down and used her raspy tongue against Adora's neck. The blond girl felt like she was going to pass out at any second.

Catra gently licked all the way up to her earlobe. Nibbing on her ear.

"A-Adora" Catra moaned in between bites and kisses near her friend's ear.

"A-Adora." The blondie also whimpered at her name being called out like that.

"Adora!" Catra yelled.

Adora opened her eyes and to her surprise, Catra was kneeling down next to her bed shaking her sleepy body.

"Are you having bad dreams already? You were doing weird noises..." Catra's eyebrows arched in curiosity.

Adora felt like jumping off a cliff, she grabbed her soft blanket and pulled it over her head.

Why would Adora have a dream like that? Did she want to see Catra naked? And why did Catra licking her feel so good? So many questions... But she wouldn't dare say a thing.

"Adora! Are you feeling sick?" Catra tried pulling the blanket down but she wouldn't budge. She felt worried for her friend, maybe she was feeling sick?

"Please Catra, give me a minute. I'll come talk to you when we have breakfast." Adora whispered.

"As you wish then." Catra stood up hesitantly and walked towards the exit.

'Ugh, what is my problem?' Adora pulled the blanket down and pressed her face against her palms, contemplating what was wrong with her brain.

Catradora in The Horde (+Smut)Where stories live. Discover now