Chapter 6

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3rd pov:

Everyone was silent. They were still shocked at how Class 3E was able to attaque them without being noticed. They also didn't understand why they became so agressive when Bakugou only said an empty threat. They were surprised that Izuku had had the same reaction. But what did Karasuma mean when he said that it was dangerous to threaten the life of an assassin? They were staring at Karasuma, expecting some explanation. They couln't bring themselves to talk with what had just happened. Luckily, Karasume saw this, and broke the tension.

"So, I guess I have to explain everything now?"he started. Some people nodded, and he continued. "Well you know how 70% of the moon exploded last year and then it was restored a year after? The goverment said that it was due to a villains quirk, right? Well the thing is, it was a lie. It was actually a sort of alien that damaged the moon. The same creature threatened to do the same to the earth, so the goverment tried to hunt it down and kill it. But it was all in vain, because in the end, noone was able to even damage him. The octopus then made a deal with the goverment saying that he would teach a class of middle schoolers and that he would let them try to kill him before the end of year. The goverment didn't have a choice, so they accepted. Class 3E was then requested to kill him in exchange of 20 billion yen (sorry, I forgot how much it was). In the end, Y/N or as you know him as Izuku was the one to kill him with the help of Nagisa Shiota. By the end of year, Class 3E had been trained to kill and assassinate at a very high level. Now wthat you know this information, you are not aloud to tell anyone about the truth. The goverment is aloud to execute whoever slips this confidential information to anyone else. Any questions?"

Class 1A and the teachers were overwhelmed with shock. They couln't believe their ears. Was this man really telling the truth? Then, their minds overflood with questions, so they asked Karasuma who calmy replied.

"So it was an alien octopus who exploded the moon?"

"Yes. Although, we later found out it was actually a person who had been experimented on and that he didn't blow up the moon."

"How come the pro heroes weren't able to kill the creature?"

"Well that's because he had a very high intelligence and was able to move at a speed of Mach 20. Also, it could only be killed with a certain type of material that is unharmful to humains."

"Why does it seem like you know the Class 3E very well?"

"That's because I was their physical education teacher. I taught them hand-to-hand combat, weapon manipulation and for a few I helped with their quirks."

"So, Izuku was a part of the assassination class? Is he an assassin?"

"Although he did participate in the project last year, he hasn't done any assassin work for now."

"What do you mean for now?"

"You will know later."

"If Izuku was trained to be an assassin, how come he didn't show it druing the beginning of the year?"

"That's because the Izuku you know is a fake. Most of his skills and knowledge are being covered up by an act. Also, he isn't the clumsy, innocent and stuttering person you know him as. He is very actually very different."

The questions kept going on and on until there were no more. Although one remained, and Aizawa decided to ask that one.

"Where did Izuku and the rest go to?"

"They were reminded of the past and had gone into assassin mode. So, I told them to go to Koro-sensei's grave to relax and calm down. Also, blonde, I would cut down on the insults and threats while you are here. Izuku might have been able to contain himself until now in UA, but now that he is back and with his classmates, he will not give it a second thought."

Bakugou was shocked at this. He started to shiver slightly, remembering the incident that had happened earlier. They started heading their way to the cabin, on top pf the mountain. Karasuma gave them a tour and warned them about nearby dangers. 

Time skip: A few hours later.

When it rang midnight, Class 1A and the teachers were outside watching the stary night. Then they saw people emerging from the forest. They recognised Class 3E, Izuku and Bitch-sensei. They were all armed with weapons and were wearing an outfit that could easily blend with the surroundings. They headed towards them and Karasuma stood up. They greeted each other before the lady introduced herself to the pro heroes.

"Hello, I am Irina Jelavique (sorry if it's incorrect). I am the english teacher of the class. I also teach them other foreign languages and stealth. I am also a very well known assassin under the great Lovro, who used to be my master."

"Wait, do you mean Lovro as in the assassin and teacher of assassins Lovro?"All Might asked.

"Why yes. He should also be arriving soon with some other people soon." Irina says.

"Why did your students call you Bitch-sensei?"Lida asked.

"I have no idea. They just gave me the nickname and it kind of stuck..."Irina says.

At that moment, a few shadowed figures appear out of nowhere. There was a man that carried around a huge sniper, a man that looked very serious and strict, a man that kept licking their gun, a man that had a lot of muscles, etc. There were a lot of people. Class 3E as well as their teachers knew them from past missions and events of last year.  They were all well trained assassins. They arrived and a tension rose between the assassins and heroes as well as between the heroes-in-training and the very young assassins. Karasume finally broke the tension. 

"Well now that you have all arrived. Let's talk about the mission. It is related to last year's events. It is about...







Heeeeyyyyyy. I hope you like my chapter. I will try and post tomorrow. I am extremely tired now.... I hope you are doing fine. Bye:)

Assassins and Heroes_ Izuku's true nature(Bnha x Assassination classroom)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat