Chapter 3

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"Izuku Midoriya......or should I say Y/N L/N?" a voice behind him said.

3rd person pov:

Izuku turned around to see the man that was previously in his classroom stand a few meters away from him. 

"I didn't think you would find out so fast, Karasuma-sensei." Izuku replied putting more stress on the way he adressed his former teacher. Both of them having a staring contest while keeping an emotionless face.

"I must admit you desguised yourself quite well. I wasn't sure in the beginning. You sure changed a lot only by dying your hair a different color. But the expression on your face gave you away."Karasuma said, in a monotone voice.

"I see you still have a keen eye. So, how have you been doing?"

"I should actually be the one asking you that. You suddenly disappeared and lost contact with everyone from last year after the....event." he countered. He hesitated a bit in the end, not wanting to bring back memories.

"I have been doing quite well. I am in the hero course. I am aiming in becoming a hero. It is what he would have wanted me to do. He would have wanted me to continue with my dream. After all, he was the one who encouraged me in not giving up on my dream when everyone denied and laughed at me. I have also tried to distance myself from the rest and try to move on. Though I think that this will forever haunt me."Izuku says with a calm voice.

"I am happy you were able to make it this far. Though, I wonder how you were able to do it, I won't press on the matter."Karasuma says.

"You are right. There are more important matters at the moment. For instance, why are you here? I know you are not here because the goverment sent you. You may fool the others but I know you are here for a different reason."Izuku questions the man in front of him.

"That is correct. I have actually been searching for you. When I saw someone that looked similar to you attend this school, I came to check it out. I knew you wanted to be a hero, so there was even more reasons to check it out..."he reasons.

"Okay. But why are you searching for me?" Izuku asks, a bit confused.

"Well, you see. I have recruited the  the whole class and you are the last one. There is actually a mission and a surprise for all of you."Karasuma says

"Hmmm. I don't mind coming on the mission, but there is a little problem. I can't drop out of school. And more importantly it can't be on the same day as you. I also assume that the mission has something to do with him so I will glagly join. But you will have to wait until next week. I am having an excursion in a week. I will join the meeting after the trip in the old meeting place. Don't tell the class about this. I want to surprise them. Also, I am trying to keep a low profile here, so try to act as if you don't know me." Izuku says.

"Alright. I understand and I am fine with this. I will see you in a week."Karasuma says and leaves.

Izuku returns to class and continues his day as if nothing happened. Karasuma leaves the school and warns class 3E that the meeting will be held next week. Unknown to the two people that a certain very intelligent creature had been watching them for some time now and was wondering who Izuku Midoriya really was and how he knew a goverment agent. He was also asking himself who this certain someone they were refering to is.


That is it for today. I hope you liked the chapter. I am sorry it's short but I will try and post another one soon. Bye:)

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