Chapter 2

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Karasuma pov:

Once I had reached the UA grounds, I knew were to go. I approached class 1A and could hear it buzzing with chatter. I knocked on the door and entered the room. All of a sudden, the whole class went silent. I headed to the front and saw the teacher. I recognised him as the Erasure pro hero: Erasurehead. Of course I knew everything single hero and pro hero, so it wasn't hard to identify him. I had also gone through evrything single student and teacher file before coming to this school. Anyway, I showed my respect to the teacher and introduced myself to the class. I looked around the class and started remembering who was who. Suddenly, I felt an intense stare on me and I saw out of the corner of my eyes a very sudde mouvement. A boy with green hair had turned his head towards me immediatly at the mention of my name. I looked at him briefly. I saw something in him. I thought I recognised him from somewhere but couln't exactly recall from where. Then I realised. He reminded me of one of my last year's students. He reminded me of Y/N L/N. When I read the document about this green haired kid, I felt like there was something missing in his documents but shrugged it off. Seeing him up close, I felt like this boy, Izuku Midoriya, resembles a lot Y/N L/N. So I decided to try something that I had only taught my students last year. I wanted to know if the person in this class is the same person as the one that I had been searching for, for some time now. So I quickly and discreetly made the sign, excused myself from the class and left.

Izuku pov:

I couln't believe it. In front of me stood Karasuma, a goverment agent that I knew very well. He was last year my combat teacher and had taught me a lot of attaque and defense technique. Questions started to fill my mind. 

Why is he hear? What is he doing? Is he looking for something? Why would he come to UA? Why did the goverment send an agent to check UA? Why did the goverment decide to send Karasuma? Isn't Karasuma an agent working in the defense? 

Suddenly, our eyes met. He still carried his blank, expressionless face but I could read him like an open book. He had taught me how to hide my emotions and how to read a person's expression. All I could see was that he was confused and was thinking about something. I could notice that he was destracted by something. He was talking to the teacher, saying that he was checking every class and their teacher and that he will only be around for today. We made eye contact again and I felt like his gaze was just piercing through my soul. I was beginning to panique. New questions started to buzz my already confused mind. 

Did he recognise me? Does he know who I am? Is he hear because of me? Is he going to expose me? I don't want anyone to know about my past. Hell, not even All Might or Principal Nezy know about what happened last year. Wait, how is everyone else doing? Does he know if they are alright? How is Bitch-sen...(cough)...I mean Irina doing? Should I ask him some questions? No, most probalbly not. I am sure he recognised me but it would be best if I acted as if I didn't know him. 

My thoughts all stopped when I heard him saying that he must leave to be able to check on the other classes and meet the staff. That was a lie. I could see that he was lying and I knew all to well that face. I realised he did a sudden movement that was impossible for the humain eye to notice. But I had a trained eye, I had a very sharp sight, I had the eyes of an assassin. The mouvement he did was none other than a sign that only class 3E and him knew of. This meant two things. On one hand, he discovered who I am or is not sure and is doing the sign just in case. On the other, the sign means that he wants to talk to me. And judging by the look in his eyes, he wants to talk now. 

With a final bow, Karasuma leaves the class, leaving me still a bit shocked, wondering what to do. If I were to follow him, how could I escape class without acting suspicious?

3rd person pov:

Once the classroom door closed behind the goverment agent, the class started to chatter. Ochaco looked around and noticed a green haired boy a bit sick looking. 

"Hey Izuku, are you okay? You look abit sick? You're pale and look like you're about to faint. Do you need to go to see Recovery Girl?" she asked, worried for her friend.

At that moment, and idea popped inside the said sick looking boy's mind.

"You're right Ochaco. I don't feel too good. I'll ask Aizawa-sensei to let me go see Recovery Girl"he answere, with a weak smile.

He went to the teacher's desk and looked at his teacher who was in his sleeping bad, eyes shut.

"Sir, may I go to Recovery Girl? I don't feel to good at the moment...." Izuku says, trying his best to keep a weak voice.

Aizawa wakes up from his nap to notice a boy in front of him. He sees that the boy isn't looking very well and checks the time. He has nothing planned out or the rest of the homeroom hour and decides to let the boy go.

"Fine. You may leave. But be back before your next classes start." he grunts out. But Izuku could see that behind his stoic and stern look, he was actually worried for the boy's condition.

The boy bows and says 'thank you', before leaving the classroom. He walks a bit in the UA hallways and then stops. he can feel a presence following through the school for some time.

"Izuku Midoriya.......











 or should I say Y/N L/N?"a voice from behind him says.


Hello everyone. How are you doing? I hope you are liking me story. I am sorry if you wanted the story to be cannon. But I am not planning on doing so. I you have any questions or want to clarify someting, don't hesitate to ask. Also, I am not sure if I should give a quirk to Izuku or not...Should all of class 3E have quirks or should they all be quirless. I have to know this for future ideas. Thanks again for reading my story:)

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