I'll Be There For You

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A/N - Hi readers!!:) Thank you so much for continuing this story, I hope you are all enjoying so far. Please be aware that there are many exciting things going to happen soon and you won't want to miss them. Sorry my uploads are all over the place, I just started a new job and have just finished college for Easter Break so now I hope I can upload more. Enjoy the following. love you all ❤️

Now that the hard part was over and the fear of God had eventually erased from their bodies, back to work it was. I assured them multiple times that I was okay and I was trying my hardest to get back on track to living the life I wanted with no traumatic disturbances. I had a scheduled surgery with Derek that I needed to be at in 15 minutes, in which I decided to start heading up to the scrub room, followed by Cristina.

'Hey, you feeling okay?' She perked up behind me, catching up to me down the hallway.

'Yeah. Why?' I was confused by her question because I didn't think I had made it apparent, it somewhat hurt to talk about it. 'Do I look okay?'

'No, yeah. You look fine. I just wondered.'

Cristina and I continued to walk through the hallways until we both parted in separate directions. I pushed through the door and was met by the eyes I woke up to. The eyes that made my heart flutter and my stomach the same.

'Hey you.' I was greeted with the huskiest, charming voice and the cutest smile.

'Hi. You ready.'


Derek had already scrubbed and was in the OR, having a chat with the patient before they were out under. Whilst I stood, rubbing mountains of Iodine over my skin and under my nails, I watched him through the window and couldn't help but think about all the things to come. I couldn't believe that me, Meredith Grey, was fawning over a man every time I saw him. I was definitely in love and I really didn't want to waste another minute of my life and our relationship being anything but attached forever.  Everything I had thought I was never going to have, was what was possible and very near in the future. He glanced over at the window and caught me cracking him a smile through my mask. Her was getting gloves and gowned as he gave me a flirtatious, cheeky, irresistible smile that was visible through his eyes and face.

Surgery commenced, finished successfully and we then found ourselves scrubbing out together.

'So, whilst we're alone, I've got to tell you something.' I didn't hold any concern nor excitement at what Derek could possibly have to tell me because he didn't show any emotion about it either until he turned to face me and his eyes dropped slightly. At the moment my stomach started to quiver and I got a gutting feeling in my veins.


'We have to go to court. For the conviction.' His speech sped up and he tried to finish his sentence quick and reduce any stress it could cause us both. 'But we sort something out if you can't go.'

'No, no. I think I should go. We should go.' I knew deep down as much as I knew seeing that figure again would more than likely bring back some fear, it was what had to be done and I knew that him being sentenced could maybe bring some peace to Derek and I. After I said what I said, my head bowed down to my hands and carried in rinsing my hands, when I felt Derek's slide over my palm and grab it to make sure I was good.

'This will be the end and then we're going to get the wedding planned, get married, have lots and lots of sex, have our children, grow old and win awards and whisk off to the Maldives. Our life can get going again once this is done and I will never leave your side, not once.'

I said nothing but smiled and kissed him with our hands still in the skin and still interlocked in each other's.

The day was nearly finished. Our shifts had literally just finished and I walked with Cristina out to the car where she got on her motorbike and I waited in the car for Derek, who was in viewing distance.

We pulled up the drive, climbed out, did the daily routine of grabbing out things from the back seats and locking the car, and then we walked hand in hand up to the front door, again like we did every time. I was feeling libido and considering the day we had had with death and many many hours of standing around waiting for the possibility of a miracle to enter the Neuro ICU, all I wanted was my naked man in bed with me. Lately, these sex drives had been sky rocketing and I knew that was a good think in our circumstances. It was a well known fact for anyone in the medical field that having sex and trying for a baby early after a miscarriage meant a higher rate of a woman womb being occupied. I knew I wanted that feeling in my stomach again. I wanted the realisation that in 9 months I would be cradling a little one in my arms. I wanted to cringe at the idea of restless nights of endless cries and diaper changes. I wanted Derek to be a dad and me to be a mum. That's all I wanted right now and of course to marry Derek but that I knew Derek was on board for.

'So you know, that trying again like right now, gives us a better chance?'

Distracted by something other than my voice, he didn't acknowledge what I was saying. 'Huh?'

'Derek look at me.' His bright, baby blue eyes, injected warmth and love into me and I felt his sweaty palms in mine. I hand an inkling that he had in fact heard what I had said and knew exactly what it meant but just didn't want to answer.

'You can tell me anything you know.'

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