Draco chuckled. "Amycus looked like he was about to explode."

"If we were in there one more second, bet on my life," Blaise started. He raised his hands up in the air. "Boom!"

This time, I wanted to stay in that thought. These were the things that kept me from madness, for a moment.

A Dementor — cloaked and ridged — flew towards me, its rotting, moulded hand stretched out.

It flew towards me and before I could push myself away, it wrapped its hand around my throat. I gasped for air and struggled to get loose under its grasp.

It didn't appreciate that and tightened its hold on my neck until I fought to breathe. White spots and splashes danced with my vision of the dark cell.

It wasn't long until my legs stopped kicking for mercy and my hand stopped clasping itself around the Dementor's thin, mauled wrist that it finally started sucking the happy memory.

"No, no, no."

He was cold.

He was always so warm.

"He's gone, Y/N. He's gone."

I didn't want to leave him.

"Take care of them for me. Please," he coughed blood onto his hands and ran them down his shirt. "Y/N."

I screamed and kicked against the Dementor again. I could feel icy tears falling from my eyes as I fought.

I don't want to hear him again.

I can't do it.

The Dementor must've sensed more of a sour taste within me once more and flew away, unharmed.

Nothing but a Patronus works on a Dementor.

As I sobbed, with the war memories trying to fade out as I needed them too, I started wondering what form my Patronus would take.

Would it take a snake?

I was a Slytherin. I'm a Parslmouth and the last descendant of the Gaunt family — which were related to Salazar Slytherin himself.

The King of Snakes.

I could've been the Queen.

Who knows?

Maybe my Patronus would take the form of a mighty stallion or a small fish.

I shook my head in sobs.

A small fish.

A small fish that swims away from all her problems and leaves the school of fish.

The small bloody fish that ended up in Azkaban.

I'm a fish.

Swim, swim, swim.

I chuckled. That was my new thought for the next couple days.

Dark Love (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now