Chapter 2 - Possession

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“Newty…? Call me that if you like, chum… But anyway! This way, I’ve got a prezzie for you.”


The atmosphere of the area changed slightly. The cushion that made up the ground was becoming more varied in places. The area was familiar of a massive picnic, with food making up the area and picnic rugs scattered all over the ground. There were even rivers of jam (complete with breadcrumb fish). The area looked like a perfect fever dream, although Newton seemed accustomed to the environment, acting as if there was absolutely nothing odd or strange.


“If this is heaven, then this guy is my personal angel.” (Name) muttered.


(Name) followed the rather eccentric Newton, who was running with his hands clasped together. He had the biggest grin upon his ‘face’, and (Name) found the atmosphere beginning to rub off on her. So lovable. Eventually he strayed from the path and reappeared on a hot air balloon, as (Name) rode down a river of jelly on a makeshift raft made from a giant cracker.


The wind whipped her face mercilessly, but she could only feel adrenaline and pure joy. At least until she noticed the “DANGER” sign at the very end, signifying a waterfall and a probable fatal drop. Despite the area’s atmosphere, (Name) ended up panicking.


“Oh no, oh no, nonono, HELP!” (Name) cried out, trying to grasp at the distant sides of the rivers at the waterfall loomed closer. 2 seconds later, she felt the raft tilt vertically - and go over the end. (Name)’s eyes widened, and she opened her mouth, when a glass surface came from above, and caught her. She was suddenly in an empty fish bowl.


“Um.” (Name) said, before glancing upwards and seeing the bottom of Newton’s hot air balloon. He was peeking out of the side and waving.


“Now! We must retire to my airship! There your- I mean, our mission briefing awaits!” Newton called out down into the fishbowl in a prideful tone. His voice echoed around (Name)’s ears, and the rather aerodynamically impossible airship came into view from behind the clouds.


After a few minutes of tedious and nerve wracking landing a hot air balloon onto a badly built docking bay, (Name) found herself on the airship, outside on a balcony. The view raced by below her, showing off the land in all of it’s fabric covered oddities. Newton was on a higher balcony, awaiting for (Name) to finish staring down at the view in awe. Comparing from Craftworld to Bunkum, he guessed.


“Welcome to my airborne laboratory!” Newton cried down to (Name). “Quick, come inside, we need to hurry up!”


(Name) decided she should just get used to the fact that this world was made entirely out of fabric and who knows what else. It reminded her of some kind of abstract collage. She forced her legs to carry her inside the airship, where a large room awaited. Newton was on a raised mezzanine floor, leaving (Name) on the floor. The walls were adorned with blueprints for many crazy and creative machines that seemed impossible to decipher.


“Oh, just look at us! Co-conspirators at our mission briefing!” Newton blathered at speed with excitement.  “Let’s get on with it, shall we?”

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