‘It’s Dinah’s turn to shower first.’ Lauren told them, Dinah remained oblivious; she was holding her head at an obscure angle and wiggling a finger around like there was trapped water in there.

‘Or,’ Camila spoke up, ‘I could just go first because Helen Keller over there would have no idea.’

‘Camila!’ Lauren admonished.

‘Fine,’ She rolled her eyes, ‘Dinah, you’re first to shower.’ When Dinah didn’t hear her Camila threw her empty water bottle at the girl, it hit her straight in the forehead. Everyone gasped and Dinah looked up at Camila with pure anger in her eyes. To her credit, Camila looked suitably terrified; she obviously hadn’t expected to make her target.

‘You are dead, Chancho.’

‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry!’ Camila put her hands up in surrender, speaking at full volume, ‘I was just trying to tell you you’re first for the shower.’

Dinah stared at her for a full five seconds before breaking into a smile, ‘Great!’ She said, standing up.

Suddenly the dressing room door opened, ‘Great show guys!’ Alex said, barrelling into the room, ‘Someone wants to congratulate you.’

Alex motioned to the door she just came from, Lauren didn’t know who she was expecting to walk through it but it certainly wasn’t Austin Mahone.

Alex left again as Austin walked in smiling at them all. ‘Seriously guys, that was awesome.’

Ally was the first to rush over, her bubbly personality taking over as she crushed him in a hug. Lauren watched the interaction; Austin’s eyes remained glued to Camila as Ally drew back from the exchange. Camila then stood and greeted him in the same manner.

Lauren felt a primal kind of jealousy kick in, it wasn’t like this kind of thing hadn’t happened before. They were all used to stares from boys; she had noticed their own dancers looking a little too long at Camila or a fan having a lingering hug or giving her their number. It never really bothered her but this was different, Camila and Austin had history. It wasn’t that long ago that she was told about their flirty text message exchanges.

Dinah high-fived him in greeting, ‘What’re you doing here Mahone?’

‘I just finished a show here last night, thought I’d come see you guys, give you some tips.’ He joked, with a smarmy grin.

‘When we want to know how to look cheesy on stage, we’ll come to you.’ Normani said, smirking. Lauren had never loved her as much in her life as she did that moment.

‘We’re just deciding who gets to shower first.’ Camila said, sitting back down on the couch.

‘Wow, yeah I never thought about that. It must be a total pain, makes me glad there isn’t another four of me.’ He said, smiling in what she guessed was supposed to be charmingly at Camila.

‘Aren’t we all?’ Lauren mumbled under her breath, Normani seemed to hear her though; she let out a snort then covered it with a cough.

‘How long are you here for?’ Dinah yelled, Lauren saw Austin wince at the volume looking at Dinah questioningly.

‘Just tonight actually, which is why I was hoping I could steal Camila away for a few hours.’

Laurens eyes darted to Camila she opened her mouth about to protest but nothing came out, what could she say? Nobody knew except Dinah that they were together. Her brain halted at the thought, where they together? They had never had that discussion.

Camila looked nervous and her eyebrows were raised in surprise, her eyes flitted to Lauren then back to Austin.

‘Well I think I’m like third on the shower queue so-‘

‘Don’t be silly Mila; you can go first if you have plans.’ Ally cut in, Lauren cursed her niceness.

‘Okay great!’ Austin said, cheerily, ‘I’ll meet you at your bus in an hour?’

Camila looked back at her clearly at a loss, ‘Ye-Yeah, sure.’ She stammered, smiling.

Lauren felt sick, she watched Austin leave waving goodbye to everybody with a shit-eating grin on his face.

When she looked back to Camila, Ally was pulling the Cuban up from the couch and ushering her out of the dressing room. ‘Go, get ready for you date!’  Ally said, excitedly.

Camila threw her one last look that Lauren couldn’t decipher, and then she was gone.

The high from earlier fell like a crashing wave, she dropped onto the unoccupied couch completely drained.

‘THANK FUCK!’ Dinah yelled, when everyone looked at her sharply she smiled, ‘I can hear again.’

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