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Villem let out a relieved sigh as he was finally able to step out of the car. He crunched his nose as his back cracked at being cramped behind the wheel the whole day. He stepped outside as the silver furred wolf came grumbling out behind him, head low as he made his way into the dark embrace of the forest.

He didn't bother to hide the smirk as Maia's car lurched forward and then stopped, the motor quieting down. After he made sure the rest were out of the car, Vill dove quietly into the back to go search for his belongings.

"Next time, I'll ride with him." Jax whispered to no one in particular as he stumbled out of the car.

"I think it's only fair if we all do." Othello agreed quietly as he resisted the urge to fall on his knees and hug the ground. He felt as though his insides had been tossed around.

Kel fixed his backpack, grabbing Anahitas as well as his own to sling it over his shoulder. The weight was slightly uncomfortable but he didn't mind, he towered over the make-shift sling that Enyo was in, gently scratching the familiars chin as she closed her eyes in bliss.

"Let me know if she gets too heavy to carry, I don't mind." he told Ana who was curiously looking around. 

"It's alright, I'll let you know. Hey, you're Maia right? Where do you think would be the best place to crash for the night? I-" suddenly Kel was holding his hand over her mouth, muffling her voice as she froze on the spot. Everyone had gone still, listening closely to the forest around them.

Not even wind was shuffling with the leaves. Maia couldn't see Vill and few others who had followed him, but she knew they too had grown quiet since their voices weren't carrying up near the cars.

It was Kel that suddenly jumped, pulling Ana down with him as two arrows buried themselves into a tree Ana had just been standing by. The tribers acted, looking for cover as they did their best to detect the Vipers.

The sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the tense forest as Vill's sword clashed with another. Nico swirled his axe as a Viper dropped from the tree, ready to plunge a dagger deep into the boys neck. However, Othello's arrow buried itself into the warriors skull. There was no time to thank him as another black clad warrior attacked.

Maia kept staring into the trees, arrow ready to take down anyone that moved. 

In the darkness, eyes blinked before darting out of the dense forest, slashing the back of Villem's leg before retreating. The man yelped in pain as he fell on one knee after having shot one of the Vipers. He gritted his teeth in pain as a bullet buried itself into a tree next to his head. 

They were playing with them, toying like a cat with a mouse.  Othello hooked his arms under Villem's arms and dragged the man behind a tree, out of a clear shot. "Shit, fuck, devils ass..." the man kept muttering anxiously as Nico's axe swirled over head, landing in a mans skull whose pitch black eyes widened before he collapsed. Othello dropped Villem, startled at the dead body that had dropped from the tree. 

Nico jumped over the two and pulled his axe out of the young Viper female. The sound of grunts and blades came from every corner as Nico helped Vill lean against the tree, looking alert. 

"Good hit." he complimented Nico, ripping piece of his shirt to tie his wound and prevent it from bleeding. 

"How'd they find us here?" Othello asked, shooting an arrow towards a Viper who rolled out of the way, disappearing into the thick forest once again. 

"Fucking cars, I was hoping we wouldn't be in their hearing range." 

It was obviously a game for them, why else had they decided to attack when it was still light out? If they had just wanted to kill them and take the cars, a reasonable thing would have been to wait until the forests were completely dark and strike then. But no, they were bored, they wanted to kill them slow. 

Like hell they would

Vill pushed himself up, reloading his weapon as he glanced at his sword laying on the middle of the clearing with the rest of his things. He heard shuffling behind them as a young boy with a head full of blonde hair jogged over to them. 

"Guys what-" Jax gasped, eyes wide as blood started pouring out of his skull, running over his eyes and down his cheeks in waves of red. He fell forward into Othello's open arms as Vill aimed and fired at the smirking woman in a tree. She dodged his bullets, gracefully jumping down and rolling behind an old oak tree. 

He heard an agonizing scream before he saw a white wolf ripping the woman apart. With her, a silver wolf joined her. Together the two ripped and shredded the woman, blood painting the ground red and the screams dying in the sound of ripping clothes and breaking of bones. 

Nico dashed out of the hideout to grab the two backpacks, heading back as the two wolves flanked him closely, eyes darting and ears twitching. 

"W-what-" Vill ignored Othello as he grabbed Jax, hauling him over his shoulder as they started making their way back towards the cars. Vill kept his gun always pointed as Nico followed, walking backwards, his axe raised, ready to launch it at everyone who even dared to show their face. Their pace was hurried as they tucked under the trees and fled in the cover of the bushes. 

Vill's leg ached but he paid it no mind as they neared the vehicles. Maia must have spotted them immediately as she raised up and with the speed of light started firing arrows into the forest, Ana right next to her. 

The three jogged closer, heading to the back to place Jax there. 

"Keys" without hesitation, Maia threw the car keys to Vill, who immediately tossed them at Nico who didn't spare them another glance as he started running towards the second truck. 


"Not now Maia, go with him." He gritted through his teeth as he dove into the first truck himself, not waiting for Maia's answer. The Vipers started closing in on them now, realising the trucks were bulletproof. The engine roared to life as Villem glanced over his shoulder briefly, making sure there were a few people in the truck among the few bigger familiars. He found a blond haired female sitting next to him, yelping as the truck lurched forward, hitting the warrior who was standing in the middle of the road aiming at them. Villem hit the gas pedal.  

Behind him, Nico was gripping the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white, following the first truck closely as Maia sat next to him, looking around the passing forest like a hawk. 

In the back, the group had fallen into a complete silence. 


So, here it is. And our first deaths. I take the finishing of relationships pretty seriously guys, and if they're not done after three months... well. yeah. 

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