He was pulled away from his thoughts by two words from Gibbs.

"Private." and "Jet." specifically.

He instantly assumed that Gibbs was trying to bargain for a private jet to France, and became worried.

Peter knew that Gibbs couldn't possibly pay for a private jet on such short notice. 

So he raised his concern to him the moment he hung up.

"Uncle Gibbs, I don't want a private jet."

"You gonna walk to France?" Gibbs chuckled. (A.N. This is something my dad said often, and it was a classic. I had to do it. "Dad, I don't need a ride." "You gonna walk to the game? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Sorry.)

"Why are you doing all this for me, Uncle Gibbs?" Peter asked.

Gibbs crouched down so that he was level with the sitting Peter, placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"You know what your Uncle did for me, right?"

Peter nodded. He knew this by heart.

Ben Parker had served under the military police detail. He had been on the detail that found and rescued then-Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs after he had been injured in Operation Desert Storm. 

Had it not been for Ben, Gibbs would not have made it through the night.

Well, Ben and the broken down car, too, I guess.

After joining NIS, Gibbs tracked him down and thanked him for saving him.

With a bottle of bourbon, of course. Bourbon fixes everything.

To which Ben responded, "There's a positive to everything, son. Even getting a flat tire in the middle of a warzone."

That...was the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the war vets.

Ben eventually introduced Gibbs to Peter, who Gibbs immediately fell in love with.

"Watch out for this one. Once you let him in, that 'stoic Marine' persona's going to crumble. He'll cling to you like a spider monkey, and never let go." Ben had once jokingly warned Gibbs.

Gibbs knew how much Peter meant to the older Parker. Unable to have children of his own, Peter was a new lease of life. He took pride in his nephew and loved him as much as Peter did him.

So when he had received a call from Ben that night, the night he died, he listened to the voicemail on loop. For days.

"Gibbs, just called to see how you were doing. Uh, Peter and I...we got into a fight. He's growing so fast and I-I can't keep up, Gibbs. He's began making decisions on his own without our help and it's just...heck I did these things in my younger days, too, but it's different when it's your kid. You just wanna keep them away from the world, wrapped in bubble wrap. But I have a sinking feeling that Peter's gotten mixed up in something much bigger. Whatever it is, if he ever shuts me out, I know that he'll let you in. Please, help me take care of my boy, will you, Gibbs? There's only so much that May and I can do. Poor kid's lost everyone, he's bullied on the daily and I just want to solve all of his problems, but I can't."


"Call me back, son."

So Gibbs did, only to hear the news from Peter himself.

From then on, Gibbs took it upon himself that whenever the boy approached him for help, he would do everything in his power to help him. 

"Uncle Gibbs?" he called upon stopping at the 'airport'.

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