The beginning of the Trees theme

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*Thranduil and Bard just walking in the forest*
Thranduil: what the heck? *Picks up Tauriel's corset from the floor*
Bard: that looks... Familiar
*Tree branch cracks*
*Legolas and Tauriel fall out of the tree*
Bard *starts laughing*
Legolas: sh*t.
Tauriel: lol we are so screwed
Thranduil *disgustedly*: I believe this belongs to you *hands her the corset*
Tauriel: cheers! But I won't be needing it for a while 😉
Legolas *starts kissing her again*

*back in the palace*
Bard: that kinda turned me on though... *combes Thranduils hair with his fingers
Thranduil: Bard, are you sure about this...?
Bard: of course I am!
Thranduil: okay, so am I
Bard and Thranduil: *kissing and more *

Meanwhile :
Legolas and tauriel have finished and go back to the palace, wanting to apologize to Thranduil
*table cracks*
Legolas : what was that?
Tauriel : I think the king and Bard took an example of what we did...
Legolas : ohhhh and I want a round two *scoops tauriel up and runs to his chambers and lifts her on the bed *

Ik this is reallyyyyy short but this was the beginning of the trees theme. Also "Yeeting", "corsets" and "breaking beds and desks" is going to be a thing now, so y'all better get used to it 😂
Don't forget to go follow my amazing co-writer, legolasglco  !
I hope you enjoyed this (incredibly short) one shot♥️

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