Bloody Vengeance

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All you see is red, the dark, gruesome colour

As you hold the knife in your hands, astonished

Reality hits you harshly at what you have done.

How are you going to get out of this one?

This time, your anger will be the death of you

You took it a step too far, but you will get out

Due to your cunning, malicious ways and your couture

Everyone will believe you because of the innocence

That you can pull off so well, feigning the fright,

The hoarseness in your voice as your eyes well up  

The perfect cover to the truth that will never be told

For if someone did know, well they will also be added,

Added to the list that you believe is your vengeance

But you are exactly like them, doing what they did to you

Only you did the job better than they did, they cursed you

But what they didn't know is that the curse would come back

To haunt them and make them pay for all the misdeeds they did

You convince yourself this is the only way for you to live again

The only way justice will be well and truly be served is by you

Vengeance may be sweet, but for how long will it remain sweet?  

As the deceitful blood spatters onto your face

Whilst the last words are barely sputtered out

The glint in your eyes shows your insanity

You remain calm, but your eyes say it all

You wished looks could kill, this time they did

The mere sight of you, caused them to be startled

They tripped, falling from 20 floors, you wished,

You wished you could have made it worse

Made them beg for mercy, then tossed them out

But now it's one piece of evidence you cannot be blamed for

It seems fate is on your side, but this is not your destiny

You believed in destiny so much, you decided to become it

But you will pay, what first may have been justice

Has now turned into cold blooded merciless killing  

They caused you heartbreak, but you did worse

Ripping their hearts out right before their eyes

And saying it's mine,that's pushing boundaries

You trained so long, awaiting this for years,

Your pitiful revenge, only one person you never deceived

Your teacher, you only told him certain bits of the truth

He believed you, but you missed out the one major part,

The part where you wanted to gain confidence for one reason

That particular reason was for you to have your vengeance

That was always your goal, to make them pay till their last breath  

You were blindly in love them, you hated it

So you decided to rip out their eyes

Making them blind, just as you once were

But you made sure they stayed blind forever

And died living in complete darkness and solitude

All the blood from their eyes poured out

As their eyes plunged out of their sockets

Never being able to be connected ever again

The agonizing hours, the fools will never learn  

You felt numb every time they treated you wrongly

So you decided to tie them up, binding them

Making sure they were unable to move, useless

As the memories flooded back, the evil smirk prominent

You cut off their arms as you hear their screams of pain

It reminds you of your anguish, all the torture you had to face

Then you cut off their legs, knowing they won't be able to run away

Just as you weren't able to before, as they continuously reminded you

You're useless, why are you ever here? You're nothing, you will pay

You didn't need to prove your worth to them, instead you did the opposite

You proved they were the useless ones, unable to defend themselves

Made them feel even more pain that you felt, consuming their screams,

Their pain, you felt more alive than you ever felt, you felt like a somebody 

I hate the sound of your voice, it's as if nails scratching the floor

That's why you ripped their voice-box out of their throats

Whilst making sure they listened to the screeching sound

With their eyes nearly popping out from the shock of it

As the blood gushed out, just as the water streams into the ocean

Leaving rats to devour what was left of them, their rotting corpses

Just a shame they didn't die as peacefully as they wanted

But that's their own fault, they weren't lucky enough to let karma do its job,

Instead you became karma and did the job yourself              

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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