After a while with her, you both stood around talking, you responding every so often with laughs and head nods, but your eyes had spotted Theo, who was no longer socializing, instead purposefully sitting on the edge of a booth near the back of the room.

He'd caught your gaze, throwing you dirty glances and stretching to tease you with the sight of his shirt rising up.

He did this as if content with the fact you wouldn't do anything in front of the party, and maybe his enticing looks would be enough to drag the both of you back home.

To say he was wrong would be an understatement.

After a fit of laughter, you pointed to where Theo was sitting, his face flinching as if acknowledging you were talking about him.

"My legs are kind of tired. Think we should join him?"

"You can go ahead." Layla laughed. "I wanna hit the food table before everybody takes the good stuff."

Knowing Layla, it would be food, dancing, back to food, maybe a drink, then dancing again before she finally decided to sit down.

As you made your way to Theo he immediately stood up.

"Are we going home?"

"You wish." You smiled, nudging him again until he got himself back on the seat, sliding in till there was enough room for you.

"You don't want anything to eat?" You said, checking before getting comfortable next to him.

"You." He whispered after fully settling back down. He had a cocky smile on his face, but probably had no idea you could see his fingers fidgeting nervously in his lap. Clearly he'd given up on his hints, especially because the intense stare you gave him as you sat down wasn't helping the flirtatious front any bit.

You gently rubbed Theo's inner wrist, causing him to twitch as you did so, too focused on your face to notice that you'd brought your hand so close to his.

"You really can't wait, can you?" You could feel his heart speed up, and you stroked his palm, feeling the indents of all the lines before pushing his hands aside, trailing your fingers up and down his legs underneath the table.

Theo's facade seemed to disperse in seconds at the gentle touches, a flash of uncertainty replacing it. Still, he didn't dare tell you to stop, only letting out a sentence.

"Someone might see."

You brought your hand higher, massaging lightly, feathering strokes to return his prior teasing.

"You didn't seem to care earlier. And it feels," You smiled gently, barely ghosting your fingers over what was definitely an erection. "Like you like this."

His face flushed and he shifted, nervously scanning the room before trying to put his coquettish face back on. "You know I can handle this."

It almost sounded as if he was trying to reassure himself.

You grounded the heel of your palm against Theo unexpectedly, and he let out a soft moan. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand, eyes looking at you anxiously as if oblivious the music had covered the noise.

"Don't you think covering your mouth is more noticeable?" You laughed lightly as Theo quickly removed his hand, biting the inside of his lip roughly while he tried to move, discreetly, against the seat and your fingers.

"I thought you liked teasing." You whispered and he let out a whimper while you continued your tormenting actions, louder than his first.

You didn't even have to turn to know that someone near the back door had probably heard. Not that it really bothered you when you got to see Theo slump lower in the seat sheepishly.

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