Sent Away

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"Hah! See Touya! I told you that I'm faster than you!" I ran down the halls of the house. Looking back at my tired and out of breath brother catching up to me. I laughed and ran over to him. "Okay we can stop now. Wanna go hang out with Natsuo and Fuyumi?" I helped him up.

"You're the same age as me yet you're two times faster. What the heck Y/n. How could you do this to me?" He dramatically placed his bandaged hand over his heart. I shoved him a little and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up you drama queen. Also stop acting like I'm a baby. I'm a year older then you do of course I'm faster. You're just slower than a sloth." I chuckled. He laughed and pushed me playfully. I jokingly gasped and push him back. We continued to friendly hit one another until he started chasing me around again. I laughed and once again ran throughout the house. He was quite a little behind me so I'm good.

Me and my brother were always close to one another. He was alway there for me, and I was always there for him. Our father Endeavor, if I can even call him that, isn't the best father figure in the world.

I have a quirk that I like to call temperature control. My mother has an ice quirk while my father had a fire one. My quirk demands strictly on my body temperature to control the two. If I'm cold than I use my ice quirk, same with fire when I'm hot. If I'm not hot or cold it could come out as either one of the two, or just turn up to be nothing at all. The thing with my quirk was that using those quirks use up my body temperature. My quirk uses my body temperature to power my quirk so if I were to use fire while I'm already hot, I only get warmer, the same thing goes with ice. Ive learned that I cannot control my body heat by itself. I can't just make it a bit lower or higher when I want to. It's all natural like anyone else's. I honestly really like my quirk, so does my dad. He forces me to only use my fire side thought.

"Y/n watch out!" I heard Touya yell from behind me. Before I could stop I looked back to him. He had a slightly worried expression and his eyes were focused on the thing infront of me. I bumped into it and immediately understood what my brother was looking at. I slowly lifted up my head to see my father. He had his usual scowl on his face and his arms were crossed. I backed away and looked at the ground.

"What the hell are you two kids doing?! Touya I told you to stop rubbing off on your sister! I don't need her to turn into a useless failure like you." My father snapped. He grabbed my arm and harshly yanked me away from my brother. "Me and Y/n are going to be training for the rest of the day. Go ahead and spend time with the other failures, not this one." He scoffed. He pulled my small body towards the training room. I felt his giant footsteps echo through the hardwood floor as I let out a small sigh. "I forbid you from spending time with that mistake. He will do nothing but slow you down.  So far your my best chance at beating All might, understand?!" He yelled.

"Yes father. It's won't happen again." I mumbled as we reached the training room.


"That's better then last time Y/n! Keep at this rate and you'll have no problem beating Allmight! Keep going!" Father yelled at me. We've been at this for hour now. I was bruised, bloody, and tired. I didn't want to train anymore. I fell to the ground almost unconscious. I felt myself get loose from the pain and burns and feel my eyes close.


I woke up in bed. That's new. Usually dad would leave me in the training room and just wait for me to wake up. Must have been be Touya. I sigh and get up from bed. I make my way into the hallway and find my siblings all standing there. Their eyes look full of sorrow and Fuyumi runs up to give me a hug. I look at her and the boys with confusion.

Sent Away• MirkoxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now