12 | I Charge Interest

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My lips parted as I gazed into the city. The fae had to have been in The Forest of Unbinding at some point in time and made it out alive for this to thrive. It was almost a carbon copy of when the forest flooded and bloomed.

Building scattered over the water, all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some even wrapped around the trees. Bridges entwined and connected everything. Ladders dangled off some porches for those stuck in the water to use.

There were so many fae. Everywhere was filled and packed with fae. Most held small cloth bags, walking from building to building and buying whatever interested them. I couldn't tell what buildings were shops and what were homes, everything was so bright and alive.

It was organized chaos.

"This is where you grew up?" I practically yelled at Alistar, glancing up at the underside of one of the bridges we passed under. Colors swirled together to create a vibrant mural of fae dancing in a courtyard. 

"It's changed since I last came here. We didn't have automatic canoes. But yes, this was basically it." He waved to a few of the fae leaning over the rails who glance down at us.

Music seemed to come from every house, blasting enough for everyone to hear, but not to a point I had to scream to be heard. "Why didn't you ever tell me this?"

Alistar shrugged, gazing at the people longingly. "I told you. I didn't ever think I could come back."

"So?" I whipped back to face Valentino. "Did you know about this?"

He redirected his attention from the building to me, wide eyed, and shook his head. "I knew the land was supposed to flood, but I though murky waters and alligators or snakes."

I clenched my fists at the though of an alligator swimming in the water.

Mirai's squeals could be heard from where we floated, drawing the attention of everyone who could hear. Not even I could see her from how far ahead we were.

As soon as we passed another ladder dipping into the water, I reached out and grabbed on. Screw these guys. I could be up there, having fun.

"Token?" Valentino called to me.

I didn't dare look back or slow, half way up already. They'd snatch me back in the boat and continue down until we got back to the palace. Screw that. I was going to divulge while I was here. I might never get the chance to come back.

"Mirai," I screamed, sprinting towards her boat. She yelped back, her little body peaking out from under a bridge. "If you don't get your ass up here with me, I'm going to toss you in the water while you sleep tonight."

From the corner of my eyes, Brynjar shook his head with a sigh. A small smile curled his lips.

Mirai didn't waste any time, lunging into the water. Serene sputtered, leaning away from the fire of the splashing water. The nearest ladder wasn't within Mirai's reach, but she didn't let that stop her.

Wet stomps echoed on the floors as she pulled herself next to me.

I gave her a bored look and backed away. "Why didn't you just use your wings and fly?"

She grabbed my hand, not bothering to glance at me, and sprinted down the aisles of shops. "I forgot I had wings."

Alistar teleported to us, stopping us both before we could get lost in the rows and rows of buildings. Not even where I lived was a vast as this. And my city was known for its boulevard, its endless amount of people and bright lights.

I didn't enjoy shopping, but I wouldn't mind strolling through here and buying a few gifts. There was a place for everyone. A vintage shop filled with books Malachi would probably scour through. I was tempted to buy a little of everything from every restaurant and food stand, even if I didn't eat. The scent of the food, watering my mouth.

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