Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Cassie: Okay.

Dean is in his truck when he sees claw marks on a light pole. He investigates and is startled by a small dog in his garage.

Sid: Dean! Is that a gun?

Dean: No, no. Yeah. Well, it's -- I got a permit for it.

Sid: What, to shoot the Glickmans' dog?

Dean: I thought that was a possum. Remember when I said I was in pest control? Well, possums carry rabies, so... (Imitates gunshot)

Sid: I did not know that.

Dean: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Possums -- possums kill, Sid. Oh, crap.

Sid: What's that?

Dean: Sulfur. I got to go.

Sid: Hold on, Dean! What the hell?

In the Garage. The impala is under a tarp. Dean opens the trunk and starts packing some weapons.

Cassie: Hey.

Dean: Just getting a hammer.

Cassie: hmm... hammer huh. So, I just ran into Sid. Did you almost shoot a Yorkie?

Dean: Technically.

Cassie: *sighs* Dean, What's going on? Do I need to be worried?

Dean: Nothing.

Cassie: How come I have a hard time believing you?

Dean: I just -- I, uh, I-I got this -- I don't know, spidey sense.

Cassie: Okay. Are you hunting something?

Dean: Honestly? Uh, at first, I thought that I was. But I'm pretty sure that I got worked up over nothing. It's, uh, you know...

Cassie: It happens.

Dean: Are you sure? I'll tell you what -- just because, you know, I have an OCD thing about this, why don't, uh, why don't you and Ava go to the movies, hit the cheesecake factory -- you know, hang out with the teeming masses, and I'll do one last sweep just to be 100%. *wraps arm around Cassie

Cassie: Okay. Be careful.

Dean: Careful's my middle name. *kiss her*

Cassie smiles and leaves and then the light crackles. As Dean searches the garage he is suddenly confronted by Azazel.

Azazel: Hiya, Dean. Look what the apocalypse shook loose. You have fun sniffing that trail? 'Cause I sure had fun patting you around.

Dean: You can't be...

Azazel: Oh, sure I can!

Dean: No.

Azazel: Yeah, kiddo. The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So why not me? Add a little spice to all that -- that sugar.

Dean shoots Azazel.

Azazel: Really? After all we've been through together? You know, you got a great little life here. Pretty Lady -- real understanding. Hell of a kid. And how do you keep your lawn so green? I mean, come on, Dean. You never been what I'd call brainy, but did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime, pal. You can't outrun your past.

Azazel starts to strangle Dean, and just as he passes out, someone comes from behind to save him - it's Sam.

Sam, in what looks to be an abandoned house, Dean was waking up, confused.

Sam: Hey, Dean. I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face -- something.

Dean: So I'm dead? This is Heaven? Yellow Eyes killed me, and now --

So Little Time: Dean Winchester Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें