I kept walking until I reached my room and was about to go in before I looked behind at his room. 

I walked over to his door but stopped because I remembered Taehyung's words.  

"...you only sleep in your room..and do not enter mine..."

He said not to...but I am curious...what is he hiding from me? Why can't I go inside? 

I turned around to make sure no one was there before quickly going into his room and quietly closed the door.  

As I looked around I realized that nothing has changed since I was last here.

But what could he be hiding?.... 

Then I noticed a folded piece of paper sitting on the nightstand next to his side of the bed.  

I picked it up and slowly started to open it. 

It read: 

Dear Y/N,

It has been exactly one hundred years since you said you hate me. And every day I told myself that it wasn't true, that you were just saying it for some reason. But I have not been able to come up with one. I loved you...I still do, so when you said that, I hoped you would take it back. But here we are...With each day that passes, I miss you more than the last. Y/N, I do not know what to do without you. I can not live without you, but it is what you wanted so it seems I have to make do. Do you know what it is like to have an unrequited love from a distance? I do, and it is excruciating and it never stops. I have wanted to give it all up, but that would be irresponsible. I can't keep letting our past ruin my future.  But I love you, so what can I do? Anyway, it is not like you will read this letter..but please come back to me.....you're my soulmate so if I am not with you, everything is meaningless. But no matter I will be here, waiting.

Forever yours, Tae


I fell onto the floor crying with an aching heart.

Suddenly the paper was ripped out from my hands and I looked up, meeting the eyes of the one who wrote it.  


"What are you doing in here?!" 


"You were told you are not to go in here." 

"I know...I just wanted to see..." 

"See what! See if I was okay without you?!" 

"No! I just wanted to see if anything changed, that's all." 

"Well as you can see it hasn't, now leave." 

"Taehyung..." I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder which caused him to stiffen 

"Look, I know things can't go back to the way they were.  But we can make something better, stronger.  But at this rate how can we? This is the most you have spoken to me in the last two weeks and at this rate, we will go nowhere." he looked away 

"I don't know what to say.." 

"Well for starters, let's talk about that letter." I noticed he was hesitant so I took my hand from his shoulder and grabbed his hand to reassure him that it is okay 

"As you read, I wrote that letter a year after you...anyway, I wrote more before and after that letter." 

"Why did you write them?" 

"...I missed you...and they helped with the loneliness.  Sometimes it felt like I was talking to you..." he immediately looked at me with an expression of 'I did not want to tell you that' 

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