Chapter 4

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Again sorry for the long wait

Cross's Pov:
It's been a couple months since the truce now. Me and Dream are becoming closer.

Might as well visit Dream again. I already asked Nightmare and he said that I could. I teleported to the front doors and knocked loudly to make sure they heard. A few minutes later the door opened revealing Dream. "Oh hi Cross, come on in."
"Um thank you."

I walked inside and saw sofas and chairs.Dream pointed to one of the two sofas, "please sit. Would you like some tea by any chance?"
"Sure tea would be nice."
"Okay I'll be right back." I sat waiting as Dream walked into the kitchen nearby.
About half an hour later, I hear him come back with two cups of steaming warm tea in his hands. He handed one to me, and sat down next to me. I sipped my tea waiting for him to start the conversation. "So how has your day been so far?"
"It's been fine so far. What about you?"
"Busy as usually everyone in my kingdom has been wanting me to get a girlfriend but to be honest I like guys."( crinnnnnngggggggeeeeee)
"You look nice today by the way."
"Aww thanks." Is he trying to flirt or change the subject.

I finished my tea and set it down on the side table. He did the same but then he scooted closer to me. Maybe he felt the same? He's to close for comfort. I feel my face heating into a blush. We leaned closer until our faces were only inches away. He leaned in even closer until our lips (idek anymore) smashed together for a second. I kissed back even though I was shocked but it didn't last long. He stared into my eyes and I stared back.
"We've been friends for a while. I was hoping we could be more by chance."

320 words
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