After the truce

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"So its decided then, no more attacking as long as no one goes too far." Dream said, affiming the truce between the two empires. I looked over at my team to check if anyone disagreed. They all looked either tired or emotionless. Killer was right by my side, Error was zoning out, Cross was fiddling with his sword knife thing, and Horror and Dust were just talking in the corner of the room. " No one disagrees on my side and it looks like neither does anyone on yours. So..." I don't actually know why I hesitated, probably just for dramatic effect, "Deal."
We both signed the two sheets of paper lying on the table in front of us. " Do you mind if we stay around for a little bit more and get to know each other properly?" " Of course not." Dream said.
"I can't stay for too long since my eyes dont adjust well here. So what did I miss."
" Alright, and you haven't missed much but the teams been doing well"
I noticed his hood was down and that his ringlet was on the table beside him. " So decided to take it off huh?"
"Yeah it starting to get too small or something or maybe its just my migranes."
" Alright then I will be taking my leave then."

Meanwhile Blue and Dust were just akwardly staring at each other wondering what to say. Blue decided to talk first.
"Soo.... what do you like to do in your free time?" He was obviously nervous.
" I usually just hang out in my room what about you."
"I like to train often. Want to spar?"
"Why not"
So they headed off to the arena.

Ink and Error were talking about something. Dream was secretly watching from affar. He could tell that they obviously liked each other.  Horror, Lust, and Outer were talking about something as well. Killer had left with Nightmare. Dream noticed that Cross was standing alone in the corner so he went to go talk to him. "Hey are you alright? You aren't talking to anyone."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He blushed a little luckily my scarf covered most of his face. He had liked Dream for a while but he obviously couldn't bring himself to tell anyone let alone ask him out. Up until now they've been on the opposite side. Maybe he'll tell one of the others soon.
"Are you sure that you don't want something to talk to?"
"If you want to I mean sure."

I wasn't focused, I couldn't here a word he said. I was staring into the abyss. Suddenly I heard someone yelling my name.
"Cross!" I woke up from my trance. Must have zoned out. Thats what I get for getting less than 2 hours of sleep last night. It's starting to mess with my nonexistent brain.
"Your groups waiting on you. They're ready to leave."
"Oh ok, well I'll see you some other time"
"Bye!" I heard Dream say as I walked over to the rest of the group who weren't too far away. After that we teleported back to Nightmares castle.

Well they've left. I dont have anything else to do. I couldn't talk to anyone cause everyone was either talking with someone else, and I don't want to be rude, or have already gone back to work with their rounds. I had already finished most of the paperwork I had. Plus I needed a break from it anyways. So I decided to go to the garden for a little bit. I grabbed my ringlet off the table in the dining room, put it on and left for the side doors of the palace.

The garden wasn't too far away from the castle but it was far enough to get peace and quiet. The garden was quite lovely with white daises, and light purple orchids, and gold-yellow marigolds. There were butterflies fluttering around happily. Even a few fairies flew amist them. I sat down and relaxed for a little while. That was,  until I noticed an orchid and marigold that had intertwined with eachother. It reminded me of when me and my brother were kids.

697 words
Thats better also mythical creatures do exist in this world

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