Chapter Four: No Easter hope

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I tried doing two jobs at once. I did my job and collect teeth to help Tooth feel believed in. For gifts, I gave the kids chocolate. Tooth, dentists, and parents will hate me for it but it's all I have. By the next morning, I had done hardly anything. I was being slow so I had about twenty teeth in total.

"Hello, Love," Pitch said from behind me.

I turned to him, "I do wish you would stop calling me that."

"What would you prefer? Cupid? (Y/N)?"

"You have no right to call me(Y/N) after ruining everything I worked hard on!"

"Still introducing yourself as Cupid then? I remember when you first told me your name. I believe it was 153 years after we met and we started dating. I loved your name and I always will."

"Pitch, talk about our relationship again and I will drag you to the Guardians myself!"

"Fine. Be that way. Just remember the past will never be rewritten. You were my Nightmare Queen."

I shot my golden arrow at him but he disappeared into the shadows. TheGuardians can't know of mine and Pitch's relationship. If they knew, they'd not make me a Guardian. Then again, don't know if I want to be one. I just hope Pitch will keep his mouth shut about it. We promised we would never speak of it. But he never keeps a promise. I know that from experience.

I later caught Pitch and his nightmares caught in a fight with the Guardians so I joined them. Sandy was whipping the nightmares that surrounded him while Pitch watched. I flew up to help sandy but Pitch made his Nightmares surround me. I took out my bow and gold arrow and started shooting. Only for Pitch to make a bow of his own and shoot Sandy in the back.

Sandy's golden sand robes and his golden sand cloud turned into black sand. Soon, Sandy was gone. Jack flew up to confront Pitch who let his nightmares attack him and we lost Jack too. Or so we thought. With a big burst of energy, Jack made all the nightmares shatter into little ice crystals. But the nightmares were still surrounding me so I decided to try something. I flew away and the nightmares followed.

Once I was far enough away from them, I took my gold and heart arrow, put them both in my bow, pulled the string back, and released. I watched the two arrows merge into a golden heart arrow and made an explosion of gold hearts killing all the nightmares. I joined the Guardians and went back to the Pole. We held a memorial for Sandy. Afterward, we watched the lights on the globe go out. All the children aren't believing them anymore.

Bunny had a solution. Easter is tomorrow and he needs our help. As much as it pained North to say: this time Easter is more important than Christmas. That is saying a lot from a man who's always come first when it came to holidays. Bunny and Easter had always been second while North and Christmas were first. North told us to go to the sleigh but Bunny had a better way of getting into his home.

He banged his foot on the floor making a big hole appear underneath us and we slid down. After being Alice from Alice in Wonderland, we arrived in the Warren. It was like spring and Ancientruins with sentient stone eggs and small, normal eggs that hadn't been painted yet. There were little yells from a tunnel in front of us and we got ready to attack. But, it wasn't anything dangerous. Itwas Jamie's little sister, Sophie. Sophie noticed an Elf that came with us and started chasing it.

"What is she doing here?"Bunny asked.

North checked for a snow globe. That's probably how she got here but how did she get it? Did I miss something? I told them not to look at me or Jack because we're invisible to her. Tooth then tried to help by showing Sophie some teeth with blood and gums on them. Sophie ran off wailing. Nice work, Tooth.

"Blood and gums?" I asked both.

"When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" Jack asked.

"We are very busy bringing joy to children. We don't have time..." North stopped talking when Sophie walked past chasing butterflies, "... for children!"

"If one little kid can ruin easier, then we're in worse shape than I thought," Jack said making a snowflake and letting it fly to Bunny, hitting his nose making his mood change.

Time to paint some eggs. I know Easter is a big holiday but I didn't realize how many eggs needed to be painted for it. There were more eggs than I could count! The plain eggs went past some flowers which painted them blue, pink, and yellow. The eggs jumped into a purple lake which gave them more colors which I couldn't name because there were so many. The eggs then when down some vines that painted patterns on them.

Bunny walked past the sameYeti that was painting the robots a few days ago. He was painting some eggs red when Bunny told him to paint them blue. He had painted two pyramids of eggs already! I still feel sorry for him. I gave him one of those giant Hershey's kisses as a well done for all his hard work and all this annoyance he's been put through. He deserves it. We watched the eggs go through different tunnels to the different country's while Sophie fell asleep.

Jack took her home. Easter, unfortunately, didn't go as well as we had hoped. Pitch's nightmares had invaded the tunnels and smashed every egg. Nothing made it to the surface. Jack had been gone all night before coming back. North told him what happened. Tooth went over to him and noticed he had something in his hand. His Tooth Capsule. Not just his, mine too. He's been with Pitch! Bunny was upset with Jack. Jack left dropping my Tooth Capsule and the baby Russian doll of North. I took my ToothCapsule and flew off to my Palace.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch X CUPID! Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant