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ON THE MORNING OF February 24th, the very same morning of the second task in the Triwizard Tournament, it seemed the nobody would be coming down for breakfast

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ON THE MORNING OF February 24th, the very same morning of the second task in the Triwizard Tournament, it seemed the nobody would be coming down for breakfast. It was already coming up to nine o'clock and both the Weasley twins and Ginny kept glancing around for at least a sight of any of their friends. After escorting both Ron and Hermione to McGonagall's office and leaving Harry in the library just last night, neither Fred nor George had seen them since. Still, as the entirety of the castle and the two visiting schools' delegations stood from their seats, all leaving the Great Hall, the three Weasleys only managed to share a glance before following after everyone else.

Down on the lawn, where the dragon enclosure once had been back in November now had seats that ranged along the opposite bank, rising in stands that were packed to the bursting point and reflected in the lake below. The students all chatted nervously and excitedly with their friends and neighbors, all watching as Harry Potter ran up towards the judges' end of the platform just seconds before the whole task was to begin. He bent over, hands to his knees and gasping hurriedly for large breaths.

"Are you sure Bee said she was alright?" George questioned his twin lowly, watching as Ludo Bagman spaced out the champions along the platform in preparation, "when she left the dorm last night, she didn't look too well."

"It's probably the moon," Fred murmured dejectedly, "but she told me she was fine," He let out nervously, eager eyes searching the stands of students, "and it wouldn't be like her to miss this for both Harry and Cedric – oh Godric, where the bloody hell is she?"

"I'm sure she's alright," George's Hufflepuff friend – who was finally introduced to Fred as Scarlett Farney – had assured them both with a small smile, "if anything, she's probably –"

"She's at the bottom of the lake."


Neville's eyes widened significantly at Fred's sudden outburst, nervously shuffling behind Ginny who also looked equally as shocked at the simple proclamation. The twins and Scarlett both looked expectingly at the Gryffindor fourth year – who looked like he regretted even opening his mouth in the first place.

"It's the task," Neville stated slowly, glancing between the four of them, "they took who they treasure the most and the champions have an hour to retrieve them – I thought you knew."

"And what if they don't retrieve them?" Fred blurted out incredulously, cheeks gone pale and hands growing clammy.

"Er – uh – well –"

"Okay, so what we're not going to do; is freak the hell out," Ginny immediately interjected Neville, turning to her older brother, giving him a firm look, "you've just got to believe that Cedric can do this."

"I – but – he –"

"Well, all our champions are now ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle," Ludo Bagman began announcing, right by the judges' table and with his wand to his throat to amplify his voice, "They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One...two...three!"

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