Chapter 13 - Meeting up with Bernie

Start from the beginning

"Trying here, but it's easier to say it than do it."

He pushes the outside door open for you as you walk out. It's still as breezy as it was earlier, and you shiver a little. Bernie tilts his head to the side at you. "You're cold?"

You shrug. "A bit, it's fine."

But he doesn't seem to think it's fine, because he swiftly pulls off his letterman and places it around you shoulders. Your face feels like it's overheating. "Um, thanks."

"No problem. The spot's just around here."

"What exactly is this spot?"

He stops in front of a barbed fence with a padlocked gate. "Oh, just access to the roof."

"The roof? Are you serious? Is that allowed?"

"If you have to ask, probably not." He grins. "But only if you want to. I just hate reserving the best view for myself."

You gaze up at the the top of the school as a smile spreads across your face. "Sure, I'm in."

He nods and reaches for the padlocked. He pulls something out of his pocket and sticks it into the keyhole, jiggles it around a bit, and it clicks open. You gape at him. "Should I even ask how you know how to do that?"

"You might be happier not knowing."

He opens the door as you step into the area and notice a ladder that leads to the top. "Up here?"

"Yep. I'll go first."

You watch him as he climbs up, and when he reaches the top, he disappears for a moment before his head peaks out, and he smiles at you. "It's safe."

"I'm pretty sure that's subjective," you mutter. You grab onto the rungs and start climbing up the ladder. You make it to the last one, and it's especially greasy, causing your hand to slip from it.

You gasp, preparing yourself to hit the ground, but Bernie doesn't hesitate to quickly grab you and pull you up. "You okay?"

You nod slowly, catching you breath. God, you'd have to be less hopeless than this at some point. 

"Good, if something happened to you, I'd never forgive myself." He strolls over to the side of the building and peers over it. "I hope it was worth it for this."

You follow him over to the other side of the building and look out above all the buildings. It is a nice view, and it also makes you feel very small, like it's just you and Bernie on the entire planet. 

"What do you think?" he asks.

"It's perfect."

"Yeah, it is." But you notice his eyes are trained on you.

You clear your throat. "But, er, we should start this interview."

"Right, just in case the rain decides to throw a wrench in our plans."

You laugh. "Stop, you'll jinx it."

"Eh, I forge my own luck. But let's get started."

"Okay. What made you decide to run for president?"

"I want to be able to stand for people who have seen themselves misrepresented time and time again. I want everyone to be treated well and receive the equity and equal opportunities they deserve."

"How will you increase the awareness of the significance of your position to a wide range of students?"

"I just want to establish a good rapport with them and have them understand that what I want to do is to help everyone at this school collectively."

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