Chapter 11 - JFK's Interview

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You're at school a little earlier than usual, so you could study in the library. You thought about going to tutoring, but you didn't want to hear your teachers go "How did you manage to go this long without actually learning the material?". You just had to tough it out.

The anxiousness from yesterday hadn't disappeared yet, and you had Lincoln to blame for that. "Aquarius is moving in soon," he'd said. You didn't know what that meant, but it genuinely frightened you. It was times like this you considered if trying to make Lincoln a better person was worth it.

You head into Yearbook in hopes of letting JFK know that you were almost done, but he was nowhere to be found. You asked someone where he was, and they said he had to run an errand, and he appeared to be exasperated.

You wondered what he was up to. Everything was probably fine. It wasn't unusual for him to stress himself or increase his workload. You'd see him after school for his interview.

The day passes by in an inconsistent mess, and it's finally the end of school. You were a little disappointed that Lincoln didn't drop by for the entire day---this was possibly the longest time you'd gone without him. You didn't expect to actually miss him, but he was actually a bit entertaining.

You head into Yearbook class to see it completely deserted. You furrow your brow. JFK did say he'd meet you there, but he wasn't there.

You wait there for a bit, and then you remember that you'd rather not get caught around school in an empty classroom considering that other time with the janitor. You start out the door just as you hear footsteps clunking down the hall.

"Y/n, I'm here!"

He bursts through the doorway, leaning against a desk as he pants. "So... so sorry for being... late."

"Uh, are you okay?" you ask.

"I'm fine! Great, peachy, albeit a little tired... sweaty."

You raise an eyebrow. "And why did you run down here? Where were you?"

"I was just taking care of something, just rehearsing, practicing, well not really. You know how working for Yearbook is and all, right?" He gives you a crooked smile.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good. So let's get this over with, I mean, let's get this done. In the right amount of time, of course."


He sits down, and you take a seat besides him, getting your things out. "First question, what made you decide to run for president?"

"I was incited to run just because I feel as though I am the best choice to lead this school, and I feel like I will truly be able to get things done."

"What is something that you're passionate about that is driving your campaign?"

"Yearbook is one of those things, but it's also being able to interact with people and understand their thoughts and feelings of each other and the way they instill themselves into what they're passionate in."

You notice how confident he appears in his answers. You're surprised he was able to get himself together so quickly. "What are important issues you'd like to address?"

"Making sure everyone is able to reach the same opportunities at such an institution. This school provides a lot of opportunities, but not everyone knows how to access them. I'd like for them to be more accessible."

"Last question, how familiar are you with your peers?"

"I know them pretty well from working in Yearbook, and I work with many of the clubs and groups here to prepare their spreads and what not."

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