Chapter 9 - Jong-un's Interview

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Your next interview is now on the horizon, and you're truly proud of how far you've come. If someone had told you three weeks ago that you were going to interview several different people running for class President because you were forced to do Yearbook class by George H.W. Bush, you wouldn't have believed them! It was also hard to believe you had a bigoted ghost as an acquaintance, but whatever, life's a dream.

You remember seeing Kim Jong-un, the next person on your list, on the basketball team. That was your first interview, yet it felt like ages ago. And it was also a reminder you'd have to double back soon to complete the interviews you'd forgotten about.

You head down to the basketball court afterschool, but when you step inside, it's basically desolate, besides the lights that flash on when it senses your movements.

"What are you doing here?"

You turn and see a man who harshly resembles a turtle. He even has a nice, green jumpsuit to match. His little patch on his top that reads: "Sr. Janitor Mitch McConnell." He has a bucket and mop in hand along with a trash can in tow. You suppose this is a janitor. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just looking for someone," you say.

He slowly shakes his head while slowly wagging his finger at you, and you're alarmed at the sight of his pink, decaying hands. You want to ask if he's okay, but you half believe he's a zombie, and you refuse to get murdered when you've worked so hard. "No entry here. You're not allowed."

You slowly back away from him. "I'm... sorry. I'll just be going."

"Going you must. Don't let me catch you here again."

"I swear, you won't."


You step past him and head towards the entrance, but you hear a scream as water floods all over the floor. McConnell is on his hands and knees, tears flowing from his pink face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

You look down at your shoes and pants and realize they're mostly soaked. You also see that it's obvious the Mitch doesn't plan to get up and clean this mess. It seems he's not very good at actually doing his job.

With a sigh, you step away from the mess and down the hall until you reach the janitor's closet. You pull it open, and you gape at all that's inside. There's of course the normal janitorial items, but then there's also a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' merch, and you mean a lot. There are also swords, num-chuks, and a weird supercomputer.

You also notice there are cannisters with this glowing turquoise substance. That could just be cleaning substance, right? You wouldn't know, you're not some sort of housewife. You weren't a janitor either, but look at you now.

You found a handful of towels and a few wet floor signs and trudged back to the mess. McConnell was now rolling around in it all in fetal position. You hope he gets the therapy he desperately needs one day.

You place a few towels on the floor and the wet floor signs. You wipe yourself down a bit and toss a towel to the janitor. It hits him, but it covers him like a blanket and resigns to falling asleep.

You let out a breath and glanced back at the door. It seemed you were going to have to find another way out of school.

You shuffled around the hallways in an attempt to find a hallway that wasn't blocked off or waterlogged. It was harder than you thought, despite the school being huge.

You didn't realize how far you wandered until you found yourself in a hallway with black and white tiles on the floor and walls. You furrowed your brow as a pleasant scent filled your nose. It was definitely food, and you most definitely would never pass up food.

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