Chapter 15 - Meeting up with Hillary

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At this point in your life, you're pretty sure you're just half awake and dreaming. Maybe this was your body punishing you with hysteria due to the fact that you barely slept anymore. It had a lot to do with the mounting Homecoming proposals and assignments.

Last night was an absolute whirlwind, and you're almost sure it didn't happen. This was all a nightmare, wasn't it? You could have sworn you deduced that when you met Abraham Lincoln, but times were becoming desperate.

Speaking of desperate, your grades were really dropping to the point that you were sent to have a meeting with Counselor Bush.

You step inside and sit across from him, memories from the beginning of the year flooding back to you. He places his hands in a steeple and gazes at you head on. "So, talk to me, y/n? What is going on with your academic performance? Trouble focusing? Bullying? Drugs? Nuclear war tensions?"

You blink. "Uh, no. Just a lot going on."

"Really? Like what?"

You wouldn't be sure someone like George H.W. Bush would understand. "Well... just a lot on my mind."

"Care to open up? This is a judgement free zone."

He's starting to scare you the way he seems to lean in, his lips essentially salivating. "Um, no thanks. But is that all you wanted to speak to me about?"

"Oh, I suppose not." He squints at his computer. "Okey dokey, looks like you're eligible to receive a student tutor. Your off period will now be changed to a tutoring period, and we'll set you up with them in the library, got it?"

"Yeah." You shrug. You supposed you could get all the help you needed. You just hope the student tutor isn't in the same league of annoyance with Abraham Lincoln.

Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, he was still nowhere to be found. But you knew better than to worry about him after the last few times, even so, you were a bit concerned. 

You continue on your way to the library. You step inside and see that it's empty besides Hillary Clinton, who sits at a table with a few journals, papers, and binders spread out.

You sidle up to her with a smile. "You're my tutor?"

"The one and only." She returns your smile and pats the seat next to her. "But it's great to see you again. I know we kind of last had an abrupt chat."

"Yeah, I know. But this circumstance is a little more unfortunate."

You sit next to her, and she looks over her binder. "So it looks like you need help with... everything except Yearbook."

"Uh, yeah, that's true."

"That's okay! I'll do whatever I can to get you up to speed."

"Thank you."

"Now first, what do you know about pre-Cal?"

You chew on your bottom lip. "Um, well isn't math technically not real?"

She blinks at you. "Er, I guess you may be right about that. But think of it this way, every concept you learn here today exist through human nature. Science isn't real until we came up with the concept, neither is math, English, or history."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"Now, we'll start from learning about the matrix."

"Wow, I love that movie."

She laughs. "I should have cleared that up. I mean, matrices."

"Oh, alright. Sorry for the interruptions, I guess I would do better to listen."

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