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January 2, 2012; 3:35 p.m.

“Xander?” I said, as Xander pulls me to the projector room. “Hey Xander! That hurts!” He dragged me inside the projector room, and then closed the doors behind us.

“Hey! What is with you?” I asked with confusion etched in my face as I rub my wrist. What is with this guy? A while ago, he showed a demon we didn’t know. Then now, he dragged me like I was a sack of rice into this room. What is going on with him? Really.

I was giving Xander the look but he just remained standing by the door with his back on me. I was starting to get nervous with what was happening. Whenever Xander gets that silent, it means business. I didn’t recognize it at first, but the projector room was empty at that moment.

I started to make my way to one of the projectors but then Xander suddenly spoke. “What was that back there?” he said coldly. I can feel the anger in his voice though he wasn’t shouting. I turned to look at him but he still was facing the door. His hand is still on the door knob when he spoke again. “Are you two dating?” Xander asked slightly now raising his voice.

“No!” I said, suddenly turning to him. Why did he ask that kind of question? “We aren’t dating!” I continued, raising my voice to him. I noticed that his grip on the knob tightened. He was somewhat trembling and I can see that. Even though his back is on me, I can see him shivering from where I stand. “Xander…” I said.

I stepped closer to him; my hand was about to reach his shoulder when he suddenly spoke. “Why?” he said. His shoulders somewhat relaxed. I can still sense the tensed aura from him but it’s a lesser feeling compared from what I felt earlier.

“Why?” he said again. I stood there frozen in the middle of the room. My hand were still in that position when I was about to touch his shoulder. What is he thinking? He sounds dejected. Why does he sound so sad?

My thoughts were interrupted when he turned to me. I was shocked when I saw his eyes. Those eyes were looking at me with full of sadness and tears. Why is he crying? Did I do something wrong?

“Xa-Xander?” I asked, stuttering. He was still standing there in front of me. Just looking at me with those tear-stained eyes. Please Xander. Don’t look at me like that. I have this feeling that it’s my fault that you’re like that. I’m feeling guilty without knowing the reason why.

I slowly lowered my hand. I took two small steps until I was a foot away from him. I was looking in his eyes but all I can see was sorrow.

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