A flu was all it took

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Nobody Pov

From the ground where he was, Deku started explaining what happened between him and Todoroki. Some of the nurses helped him to his feet. Bakugou was trying his absolute hardest not to cry. Deku was already in tears being held up by two nurses on either voice. Some of the patients gathered around to see the drama unfold.

Deku: "Kacchan wait! Listen to me! Don't go I still love you. I've been trying to get over you but I can't. I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. I'm sorry you always have to look after me. I am sorry I wasn't the perfect boyfriend. I'm sorry I'm so weak that I got manipulated by Todoroki. I'm sorry I'm so naive. I love you Kacchan and I don't think there's anything on this world that could ever change that." (Imagine him saying this in a loud broken voice).

Bakugou: "If you really loved me would you cheat on me? I came here today to make amends with you 'cause I still love you. Now I find you making out with someone else and you expect me not to be hurt and mad?! I thought you were better."

Deku: "Don't you dare try to make this about you Kacchan. You abandoned me right after I almost got killed by the most wanted villains in Japan. You abandoned me right when I needed you most. I don't even see my mom anymore. I'm alone and I thought you would be there for me but no. You promised you would stay by my side! You promised that you will always love me! You promised you'd protect me! Why do you promise lies?"

Bakugou: "This is the exact reason I left you Izu. I made promises that I couldn't keep and I'm sorry. The reason I left you is I felt like I wasn't a good boyfriend. I promised to protect you and you almost got killed by Japan's worst villains. I'm sorry that I made that promise and broke it. I broke up with you because I don't deserve you."

Deku: "But you know it's not your fault. It's not your fault I almost died. It's not your fault that things ended the way that they did. But you know what is your fault? How dare you blame me for Todoroki kissing me while you went out to a carnival to have fun. You can't blame me for having a little fun can you?"

Bakugou: "You know what Mr. Know it all do you know why that carnival was held in the first place? No, well then let me tell you. That carnival was for you. I together with my eavesdropping skills overheard your mother talking to the doctor saying that she couldn't pay off the bills. I decided to help out and so did the rest of the students. The carnival was a fundraiser. Happy?"

Deku: "........ Thank you. I'm sorry for everything I've said. I shouldn't have-
(Imagine them talking at the same time)
Bakugou: "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to yell at you and say all those things that hurt you. I just want to say-

Both: "I love you."

The two nurses who were holding Deku up let go of him allowing him to be in Bakugou's embrace. They hugged and cried for all they were worth. Not tears of sadness and regret though. They cried tears of relief and happiness. They were back together again. However their joy was short lived when Deku started coughing up blood then passed out in Bakugou's arms. This whole situation had stressed his already weak body. Bakugou could only panic as he watched his Izu being carried away.
This was all so bittersweet.

Bakugou Pov

I guess this shitty situation must have put a strain on the nerd. I mean if I was nearly killed by the LOV, I would probably be in the same shape. I hope that he'll be okay though. He'll be okay, won't he? "Don't worry he'll be fine bro." A familiar scent wafted from the source of the equally familiar voice. It was shitty hair along with the rest of the gang. It was going to be okay if they were there. I told shitty hair about that icyhot bastard. I was so pissed. The moment he got out of this hospital I am going to destroy his sorry ass. After half an hour the doctor came out of Izu's room and told us that he was stable and just needed rest. The money we had raised was enough to cover most of the cost. Izu's mom didn't have to worry that much now. I decided to stay in Izu's room until he came to.

Nobody Pov

Bakugou fell asleep waiting for Deku to come to. Inko had taken a picture cause she thought they were cute. Kirishima and the rest went back to school. Todoroki thought that everyone had left so he made his way to Deku's room only to be met by an angry blonde. "OI! Where do think you're going?!" Todoroki tried to get away but wasn't successful. Bakugou grabbed his hand and punched him. He was about to finish the job when nurses came and stopped the fight. Bakugou went back into Deku's room and Todoroki was escorted away. Bakugou spent the night in the hospital that day. The following day Bakugou was woken up by a hand ruffling his hair. He woke up and saw the most beautiful pair of emerald green eyes looking at him.

B: "Izu.. You're awake."(As he hugs him)
D: "Yep."
B: "I'm glad."
D: "So am I."
B: "How do you feel?"
D: "I feel great actually."
B: "I'm so glad this is all over."
D: "Me too. By the way when did this all start?"
B: "I think it was when you got sick, remember?"
D: "Oh yeah, I remember."

Both: "I can't believe a flu was all it took for me to realise that I love you."


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