What have I done?

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Bakugou Pov

I think I've just made the biggest mistake of my life. It's in the middle of the night, the fundraising event has already been planned. Deku called me to ask if I was okay as soon as he woke up. I feel like an idiot but there is no turning back now. I already ended things. It's time for a new beginning, well after I'm done healing. Right now I need to focus on making sure the fundraiser goes ass planned. Most of the extras have agreed to my plan. We are going to ask principal Nezu for permission to host a carnival. That was the most likely we're going to get money for Izu's treatment. "Hey you okay? You look a little pale." It was shitty hair who asked based on the tone of voice. I told him everything. That I broke up with Deku and all that stuff. This was his reaction, "Bakugou take my phone right now and fix it!" For one him calling me Bakugou meant he was mad.

B: Bakugou K: Kirishima

B: "I know what I'm doing."
K: "No you don't! You're making a huge mistake!"
B: "Who are you to know what mistakes I'm making?!"
K: "I know you love him, right? So don't let him go."
B: "I don't need advice from somebody who has? never been in a relationship!"
K: "Who says I've never been in a relationship? Maybe you've been too busy dying to even know what's going on in my life!"
B: "Who say I need to care about an extra like you?!"
K: "Dude, I'm like your best friend. I was there for you every time. I picked you up when you were broken god damn it! And now you bring me this shit? You know what, it's fine. Let's see how long you'll last by yourself."

Nobody Pov

Bakugou was beginning to lose everyone he cared about. He cared about Kirishima but was too proud to admit it. But he couldn't focus on that right now. He had to carry out the plans for the fundraiser. Principal Nezu had agreed to the idea through the efforts of Allmight. Soon they were going to be able to pay off Deku's bill. Meanwhile at the hospital, Deku was not okay. He refused to eat anything until he found out what he did wrong. He even refused to take his medications so some had to be forcefully given through injections. He was going through hell, again. Doesn't pain ever end in this world? He let out a sigh and stared out the window as his mother desperately tried to make him eat. What did he do to deserve this pain? The only thing that brought him out of his thoughts was the voice of someone he knew all to well. "Hey, Midoriya. I just wanted to come say hi." Deku turned his head to see the one and only Todoroki. He was dressed in white hospital clothes and he was holding an IV for support. He looked slightly better but still a little pale. His mother waved at him and whispered something in his ear before leaving.

T: Todoroki D: Deku

D: "Hey. How have you been?"
T: "Good. You?"
D: "Yeah, me too."
T: "I heard you went for surgery."
D: "I did. It was okay."
T: "Glad to hear it was a success."
D: "........ Can I ask you something?"
T: "Yeah sure go ahead."
D: "Am I a bad person?"
T: "You're the nicest person I know."
D: "Am I too dependent on others?"
T: "No, you're very dependable."
D: "Tell me what's wrong with me."
T: "There is nothing wrong with you. To me you're perfect."
D: "Then why- *voice cracks* why doesn't he think so?"

Deku Pov

I buried my face in my palms as I cried for the hundredth time that day. Tears kept flowing out like an eternal river as memories came flooding back. Like the time he kissed me in the hospital or when he told me he loved me. He even came to the base of the league of villains to rescue me. All the times he said he loved me, was it a lie? I felt hands wrap around me and comfort me. I accepted this gesture and leaned in to Todoroki's chest. I don't know how I will live without Kacchan. I explained to Todoroki everything that happened. He hugged me and told me that Kacchan was stupid to have left me. Then the unexpected happened. This was the last thing I thought would ever happen. Todoroki held me by the chin and kissed me. Yep, you heard me right. For a moment it felt as if it was Kacchan. He pulled away eyes filled with lust and stared deep into my eyes, more like my soul. He leaned in and kissed me once more, this time more passionate than the last. His cold hands travelled up and under the shirt I was wearing. I didn't protest. Maybe this was the kind of distraction I needed. I kissed back ignoring the pain caused by my movements. We pulled away panting. This was the distraction I needed. Thoughts of Kacchan completely evaporated from my mind. I took of my shirt and so did he. He climbed on my bed now lying on top of me. He kissed me again then travelled down to my neck. He nibbled on my sweet spot making me moan. He chuckled and bit hard on that spot. I couldn't suppress the sound that came after. We heard footsteps so we quickly pretended nothing was going on. It was a nurse who was just passing by. "Until next time, Midoriya." He said before he left and I was left with my thoughts. What have I done?

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