034: Stress

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(why do i always use memes or cursed pictures at every chapter of this book? because it's funny? yes. don't question me ever again. i'm a literal genius /j i'm as dumb as they come)

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you are stressing out, running around the house, feeling like a maniac. you honestly seem like one too. your mom is staring at you rushing around the house, yelling unfinished sentences or just words that make no sense, all while grabbing things and putting them in different bags and suitcases.

"hunny..." your mom speaks as you run past her for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. "hunny.." she tries again as you don't even acknowledge her word and just keep running around the house. "Y/N!"

this makes you stop. you look at her and tilt your head, heart pounding like crazy. "what?" you ask her with a genuine expression.

"y/n.." she sighs. "why are you so stressed? they're your friends and you'll only be there for a week" her voice gets higher at the end and she throws her arms up in desperation. "what is it that bothers you?"

you bite your bottom lip. the true answer to her question is; a lot of things, but you don't want to say that. "just.." you hesitate. "I don't know, I'm just nervous to meet a lot of people at the same time. I don't deal well with crowds" you admit, even though she probably already knew that.

she smiles compassionately at you and your eyes are skipping around the room, just as restless as the rest of you. "n/n, it's fine, you know you don't have to talk to everybody, right?" oh, how you hated when she babied you like this. it was like kindergarten all over again, but worse since you were nineteen now.

"yeah, I know" you can't help but roll your eyes and your mother's expression goes stern. 'woah, she's switching up real fast' Techno's voice sounds baffled. 'yeah, tell me about it'.

"okay, I was just trying to help, but I guess I'll go take a nap instead then" she frowns and you watch her short figure walk upstairs to her room. you sigh. did she have to always be so dramatic? you could only imagine what she was like at the hospital at three am, craving a cup of coffee.

the mental picture is too much to bear, so you shake your head and continue running around the house, looking for random items to bring with you to England.

~wooow it's a timeskip. i'm so surprised~

you are running to catch the flight. in reality, you have no reason to be running, the flight doesn't take off in another hour or so, but you're still speeding through the airport. your mother didn't come with you, she said her goodbyes from the porch as you were climbing into the backseat of the taxi. you can't blame her though, it had been a rough night at the hospital from what you'd heard.

your heart is pounding loudly in your chest as you make your way through the crowd, and it won't calm down until you're at the terminal. when you get there though, you slump into an empty seat with a heavy sigh. you don't recall being this stressed when flying over to San Francisco. is it because you're meeting more people this time? or is it just because you aren't as close with them as you are with Techno?

you mean, no offense, Tommy is a great friend, but he is annoying and feels more like a little brother rather than a best friend. also, there are some people joining that you've never spoken to before, like this Punz guy. you have an idea of who he is, but you've never actually spoken to one another. come to think of it, you have never been on the smp at the same time either, despite all your grinding. 'how weird'. yeah, weird indeed...

you're on your phone when the flight is called and you almost get a heart attack, jumping in your seat. was that really necessary? probably, but it was a shocker nonetheless. you blink rapidly before calming down and standing up, ready to board the flight as you make your way to the growing line of people who wants to get on the plane faster than everyone else. is it because they think they'd be left behind if they didn't? or is it because they think they'll get better seats that way? because they have already decided which seats they'll be sitting in, so you don't see the big deal in boarding the plane first.

therefore, you lazily get in line and get on the flight, struggling to find your seat. why was the layout of these things always so big and complicated? you grit your teeth, trying not to get any attention on yourself as you hastily walk over to your seating in the middle of the plane. this was going to be a long twelve-hour ride.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now