011: Texting

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you quickly look over at your screen to see what time it is. good. you still have 18 minutes until the next round, meaning you could get to know this Techno-character a little better.

you smirk before looking back at your conversation. he's a bit weird but you're enjoying texting with him so far.


Nothing, nothing

Okay then, what'd you dm me for?


Right, that.

Technoblade's POV:

oh crap, I did not add the factor of them asking about my very fine intentions with this conversation into the calculation. how could I not see that one coming?

I mentally deadpan as I quickly try to come up with an answer. to be honest, I had this whole conversation planned out, but since I didn't think they'd ACTUALLY answer, my brain just shut down. I don't know how that happened though. I keep staring at my screen, my brain going in superspeed trying to remember how to act cool and collected, to no use.

I keep staring at my screen, completely dumbfounded. 'come on techno, get your crap together. I blink a few times before starting to type an answer, but they beat me to it.



well, I tuned in on the love or host to make sure Tommy was behaving himself

I smile slightly at the lie, a lopsided smile, I had actually tuned in as soon as it started, just because I was bored, but I can't tell them that. I would never recover from that embarrassment.

still doesn't answer why you dm'd me

oh, yeah

thought you were cool and wanted to see if you lived up to it privately as well since Tommy seems to like you

more lies. but who's gonna know? they won't. I hope.

oh, sounds pog. but who are you exactly?

I mean not to be rude, I have an idea of who you are

is that so? what's your idea of me then?

      well, you see I have a vague memory of you having the

longest streak win in skywars ever, is that right?

yes ma'am

why'd I call them ma'am? get it together techno.

then, what more do you think is necessary for me to know about you?

uh, I like potatoes? I like to bully dream? I hate orphans?

the list is long

you- hm. what are your feelings about murder by arson? not in real life, of course,
that'd be weird. and illegal

oh it's great.

what if that was a trick question? or wasn't it? based on what I've seen of them it shouldn't be but what do I know? I feel myself starting to slightly panic before seeing their reply.

I think we'll get along well then Mr. Blade

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. this is good.


you catch yourself smiling at the messages. this guy seems fun. or it's some 50-year-old psycho behind a screen, but you doubt it. for reassurance, you decide to message both Dream and Tommy,  given you don't know if any of them will answer.

to your surprise, both of them do. now, too late, you remember you could've messaged Niki, but that's fine as you don't know if she knows this Technoblade dude or not, apart from Tommy and Dream who he has both mentioned. and despite what you said on the love or host, you don't have him blocked at all so you just message him. the whole block thing was just for fun, you enjoy seeing people get confused by your actions. the stans will, and probably already do, hate you but that is okay. anything for funny content.


hey, do you know techno?

I do actually
he's a pain in the ass though

oh, well he messaged me

what'd he say??

nothing important just wanted to make sure he isn't some creep

well, he isn't

oh, that's great to hear.
thanks Dream!

dw about it

you let out a sigh as you close the convo, to see what Tommy messaged you.


hello bitchboy

ew an American
wait, I thought we were bulling Dream and big Q, not me!?

well I bully everyone, and you just insulted my nationality

that's because Americans are gross

whatever you say child🙄


oh I'm sure queen obsessed boy
you know, maybe you should find someone your own age rather than a literal fossil

you scoff at the screen before grinning, he was actually pretty funny for an obnoxiously loud British teenage boy.

you perk up at your computer seeing that the show is starting again in less than a minute.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT" you curse under your breath. you can't seem lazy or unmotivated, you need to be on time. no, actually best would be to come early but it's too late for that.

you'll just pray to Zeus that they haven't started without you, that would be really bad. like, really, really bad.

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Now, stay hydrated and stay in school kids (lmao no one wants to)

See you in the next chapter, ily <3

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now