024: Streaming

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you hop in his car after he's put your bag in the trunk, he insisted, didn't matter how much you argued that you were fully capable of taking care of your own stuff. that's the gentleman stereotype for ya, not that you mind though. it was as sweet as it was annoying. you both sit in comfortable silence, you humming along with the music on the radio. you notice him glancing at me every once in a while, but you choose to ignore it.

you get to his place and he opens the door for you, letting you walk in first. this time though, you got to the suitcase before him. no one is home, so he shows you to the guest room where you put the suitcase.

"thank you for letting me stay here." you smile at him.

"no problem, no problem," he mumbles. your smile widens and you look around. "so what do you wanna do?" you ask to break the growing silence.

"we could always stream? or we could go somewhere. but I gotta be honest with you, leaving to pick you up from the airport was probably the first time I've been outside for days. I don't deal well with strangers." he grimaces. you purse your lips.

"well then, we could just stay inside," you tell him. he looks so relieved that you start laughing at him.

"what?" he looks confused.

"nothing, nothing.." you say still laughing.

"okay then.." he says and shrugs. he begins to make his way over to a room where the door is closed and you follow right behind him. he opens it and in there you see his setup. not as fancy as your own but it's not bad. you smile and go to sit down on the floor, you somehow just find it really comfortable. he looks at you worriedly as well as confused, but stays silent. he then sits down in the chair, booting up the computer.

"so what should we do?" he asks.

"burn down a village after raiding it and locking the villagers inside their houses!" you maniacally smile up at the screen. he turns his head to you with wide-open eyes.

"HEEEH?" you start laughing. "what? it's fun." you try explaining to him. he still doesn't look convinced. "whatever, just try it. you'll see what I mean." you roll your eyes at him, smiling. he smiles back before turning his head back at the computer. he starts up Minecraft when he turns to you again.

"should I stream?" he asks. "what, you mean on twitch?" you furrow your brows at him.

"no, no, no. on YouTube." he makes it sound like twitch was a worse place to stream than YouTube. Techno's an admittedly strange guy. "oh. yeah, that'd be fun." you say. "only if you want to though." you quickly add on.

"I just wanted to check if you were fine with it since you haven't posted anything about visiting me." he fakes sounding hurt in the least bit. you frown.

"well, if it makes you feel better, I haven't posted anything about going to the UK either." you realize your mistake too late. dang, it.

"what?" he turns his whole chair around to look at you this time.

"ah, yeah I was gonna talk to you about that. you see, I was talking to Tommy.." you trail off. "y'know what? how it went down is not important, what is the question I had for you when I got here." he somehow looks more conflicted than before, it would be funny if you weren't so nervous.

"you see, I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to tag along," you say shyly, various of his answer.

"you mean to go to the UK. with you. to meet Tommy?" he says, his voice monotone as ever.

"well, yeah. and some other people. like Wilbur and Tubbo and Niki and Fundy.. sorry I'm rambling" you excuse your nervous ranting. gosh, why were you so awkward?

"ah, I see." he says. "well, considering all possible factors, I think it's safe to say that I'll be able to come with you." you gasp quietly.

"YESSSS!" you shriek. "sorry, it's just- oh Zeus this is gonna be an amazing meetup." he laughs at your excitement. huh, never thought of him as the laughing type. how much you can learn about people just from knowing them in real life. amazing. truly amazing.


you yawn and stretch out from your position on the wooden floor. Techno glances over at you. "are you tired?" he asks.

"no, not really. just from sitting still for so long" you explain.

"oh. well, the stream's over, so we could always just go do something else?" he proposes.

"can we watch a movie?" you ask him. you have something great in mind.

"sure, I'll get popcorn and you can go change," he suggests and shuts off his computer, getting out of his chair. you nod in agreement and he helps you up.

minutes later you're walking out of the guest bedroom, looking around the house for Techno. you find him in the living room, a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"hey! save some for me," you whine as you flop down beside him. he chuckles and you get all warm inside.

"so what do you wanna watch?" he asks you after the laughing dies out.

"hunger games," you say, not even a second of doubt. it's your favorite movie series. well, apart from marvel.

"oh, I've seen those. they're really good." he agrees and goes on Netflix.

"mhm," you reply, leaning back on his shoulder. you can see him turn his head at you from the corner of your eye, but then turns it back to the TV to put on the film. this was nice.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒, t.bladeWhere stories live. Discover now